This past week I went into operation defiant: I-don't-want-to-be-sick mode.
I'm supposed to take pills every day.
I took zero.
I ate several candy bars. (A whole bag between friday/saturday)
Am I confessing here? I suppose.
But I'm so Angry that I have to take %(&^(&# medication, and for
the FIRST time, actually be on a diet.
I've been so good the past month, until this week. Perhaps it was Easter, but really I didn't go do anything, and I see bags of candy all of the time.
I'm just so MAD about this %(&%(#& Type 2 business.

I'm supposed to take pills every day.
I took zero.
I ate several candy bars. (A whole bag between friday/saturday)
Am I confessing here? I suppose.
But I'm so Angry that I have to take %(&^(&# medication, and for
the FIRST time, actually be on a diet.
I've been so good the past month, until this week. Perhaps it was Easter, but really I didn't go do anything, and I see bags of candy all of the time.
I'm just so MAD about this %(&%(#& Type 2 business.