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Baby, It's Cold Inside Too: Cold Comfort's Birthday Thread!

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Napoleon of Notting Hill
Oct 28, 2006
*trumpet fanfare*
*timp-ani tim-pa-ni (eighth-note trip-e-let)*

Grand colleagues, worthy guests, and esteemed colleagues,

On this date, of December 14, 2007, we gather in this box, be you an Internet Explorer, or on a daring FireFox adventure, or even on a magnificent Safari (I never cared much for the Opera), to honor one individual for a vast accomplishment, unimaginable in scale to many of us: being born.

Well, ok, maybe a lot of people have been born. But this one is unique!

*ahem* No more buffoonery or businessing otherwise like do the monkeys! Down to the proclamation, read in local-government polispeech:

-Whereas on this day 24 years ago, Jen “Cold Comfort” Rodriguez-Menendez-Ibanez-Johnson-Lenin-Applecart-DevilDog-Zalinsky was born into this cruel, calculating, discriminatory world as a shining beacon of hope for humanity.

-Whereas twenty-four years is not particularly old for a human but could be considered aged for any sort of dairy product, produce, or otherwise perishable foodstuffs.

-Where as really, when you think about it, you have only really existed for a day (well, if years were the same thing as hours, anyway).

-Whereas this day, December 14, is also the birthdate of such luminaries as the Danish (mmm, Danish) astronomer Tycho Brahe, as well as the anniversary of Alabama’s statehood.

-Whereas the number 24 comes immediately after 23, but precedes 25 by just a pinch.

-Whereas the generic “Loops of Fruit” brand cereal taste strikingly similar to their multi-national competitor, “Fruit Loops”.

-Whereas “Loops of Fruit” lack an associative mascot as charming as the Fruit Loops toucan, however.

-Whereas Jen’s posting activities on this board, while sometimes indecipherable and downright cruel to other humans, are nonetheless integral to the Dimensions community.

-Whereas her somewhat random alterations between using all capital letters for one word and all lower-case for most words, as well as her penchant for typing what she might say aloud (i.e. you. you. YOU.) are quite adorable.

-Whereas this particular song is dedicated to your birthday endeavors, eternally and forever.

-& whereas she will surely be sticking around for quite a long time on these forums, otherwise lots of folks will be shocked and dismayed and alarmed.

Proclamation having been proclaimed, this court finds you….errr….

Aww heck, it’s a briefcase Jeff!



PS: Why the “Mr. Smith Goes To Washington” quote was placed in here, I’m not sure. It seemed like a decent idea at the time. You know, if I’m typing this, I could probably just erase it if I truly had the desire to. I guess I must need it there.

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