Sweet Tooth
Deep. W i d e.
Just needing to bitch.
Bad timing: I try not to respond to threads where what I have to say wouldn't add much to the conversation. [Hey, no snarky comments about what I do say!
] But lately, every time I get a good dander up over a post, it gets closed! Argh! I have no place to vent my annoyance at idiots, except for giving a finger to the guy honking his horn behind me to pull out of a parking lot today. [Apparently, he wanted me to pull out in front of 2 huge trucks that weren't even 50 feet away and were going 35 MPH. My car doesn't have that kind of pick up.]
Travel annoyances: Okay, so, Tef and I went to Seattle this weekend. We had a good time. Walked around for a good 8 hours on Saturday, visiting various sites downtown, only sitting down for 5-10 minutes every few hours. [So "Neener neener!" to all those trolls lately that insinuate all fat women are inactive and unhealthy.] My issues? Heat and feet. [I didn't intend it to rhyme. Just came out that way.] Heat, because I seem to get overwarm so easily compared to others. I suppose some would say it's a fat thing. Maybe, maybe not. I have the stamina to walk the equivalent of several miles at a time without problem. And I thought about what other people were wearing out in that weather. Lots of women in shorts and skirts, which would've been lots cooler than my long pants. BUT.... fat women and crotch crawl? Fat women and thigh rub? My sisters here know exactly what I mean. I've tried pretty much every "solution" out there, and none seem to be satisfactory. I even, quite jealously, saw women decked out all cute in little spaghetti strap cotton tops, skirts, and sandals. And then I wondered how they a) don't get dirty or rumpled and b) how they can walk for more than 10 feet in some of the strappy sandals I saw. Let me tell you, I wore those strappy sandals for my wedding. After 5 minutes, my feet were literally NUMB! Which brings me to part 2 of this - feet. I wore tennis shoes for walking around town. Not the most fashionable outfit, but fairly comfortable. [I'm always conscious of the image I portray, not caring what people think about my weight per se, but caring about presenting myself in a "pulled together" manner.] But my feet were killing me. Heck, they still hurt. It seems pretty natural that a person my size will exert serious pressure when walking for 8 hours on pavement. So why is it so hard to find shoes - ones that one could actually walk in for hours - in sizes for big, wide feet that aren't $200 and don't look like something my mother would wear? Am I asking too much? Apparently.....
So, travel annoyance #2... I started thinking about traveling minimally. You know, what could I pare my suitcase down to and still have what I need. I also did a little research on the web. Seems that the answer is "Buy the stuff you need when you get to where you're going [no matter how this will affect the environment when you throw it out after a few days]. Buy those quick-drying clothes so you can wash your 2 outfits out each night. [Obviously written by someone who can find quick-drying clothes in their size when I try to find a single pair of jeans in my size.] Be thin, so you can pack more clothes into a suitcase than fat people. Be a man so you look okay out in the same outfit no matter if you're at work or golfing or dinner. Have normal, non-sensitive skin so you can use whatever cheap toiletries your hotel offers." Okay, so I added those last 3 myself based on what helpful hints seemed to be insinuating. I know I'm not the only one who can fill a 26" suitcase with clothes for only a week, based on 1 outfit per day, because of the size of my clothing.
Whew! Done! [For now.]
Bad timing: I try not to respond to threads where what I have to say wouldn't add much to the conversation. [Hey, no snarky comments about what I do say!
Travel annoyances: Okay, so, Tef and I went to Seattle this weekend. We had a good time. Walked around for a good 8 hours on Saturday, visiting various sites downtown, only sitting down for 5-10 minutes every few hours. [So "Neener neener!" to all those trolls lately that insinuate all fat women are inactive and unhealthy.] My issues? Heat and feet. [I didn't intend it to rhyme. Just came out that way.] Heat, because I seem to get overwarm so easily compared to others. I suppose some would say it's a fat thing. Maybe, maybe not. I have the stamina to walk the equivalent of several miles at a time without problem. And I thought about what other people were wearing out in that weather. Lots of women in shorts and skirts, which would've been lots cooler than my long pants. BUT.... fat women and crotch crawl? Fat women and thigh rub? My sisters here know exactly what I mean. I've tried pretty much every "solution" out there, and none seem to be satisfactory. I even, quite jealously, saw women decked out all cute in little spaghetti strap cotton tops, skirts, and sandals. And then I wondered how they a) don't get dirty or rumpled and b) how they can walk for more than 10 feet in some of the strappy sandals I saw. Let me tell you, I wore those strappy sandals for my wedding. After 5 minutes, my feet were literally NUMB! Which brings me to part 2 of this - feet. I wore tennis shoes for walking around town. Not the most fashionable outfit, but fairly comfortable. [I'm always conscious of the image I portray, not caring what people think about my weight per se, but caring about presenting myself in a "pulled together" manner.] But my feet were killing me. Heck, they still hurt. It seems pretty natural that a person my size will exert serious pressure when walking for 8 hours on pavement. So why is it so hard to find shoes - ones that one could actually walk in for hours - in sizes for big, wide feet that aren't $200 and don't look like something my mother would wear? Am I asking too much? Apparently.....
So, travel annoyance #2... I started thinking about traveling minimally. You know, what could I pare my suitcase down to and still have what I need. I also did a little research on the web. Seems that the answer is "Buy the stuff you need when you get to where you're going [no matter how this will affect the environment when you throw it out after a few days]. Buy those quick-drying clothes so you can wash your 2 outfits out each night. [Obviously written by someone who can find quick-drying clothes in their size when I try to find a single pair of jeans in my size.] Be thin, so you can pack more clothes into a suitcase than fat people. Be a man so you look okay out in the same outfit no matter if you're at work or golfing or dinner. Have normal, non-sensitive skin so you can use whatever cheap toiletries your hotel offers." Okay, so I added those last 3 myself based on what helpful hints seemed to be insinuating. I know I'm not the only one who can fill a 26" suitcase with clothes for only a week, based on 1 outfit per day, because of the size of my clothing.
Whew! Done! [For now.]