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BBWs, Jobs, Discrimination

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Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2007
From time to time I read posts by women who failed to get a job they applied for and assume that it was because of their weight.

Being an employer for a company that hires mostly women I have hired many women. I can tell you that this pre-assumed conclusion is not always true. Being an FA I have a prejudice IN FAVOR of fat women but still I have to hire the best for a job. I have to look at many criteria. Previous employment record, current qualifications, the application, and last the interview. Some fat women fail due to any of several criteria and the fact that they are fat is purely coincidental, NOT causative.

I try to be objective and totally fair. Not long ago I had a position open and it got down to two women. They were equal going into the interview. Since the job required driving a company vehicle at times, I asked to see their driver license. I looked at the license and then handed it back and asked if everything was current. My test was for honesty. One woman whose license said she weighed 140 was obviously around 200. She said everything was current. B***s***. The other's license said 300. Her response was that that was correct at the time she got the license but that she had gained about 50 pounds since. Then she promised me that she would lose weight if it would help her get hired. I hired her, the 350 pound woman, right then and told her she didn't need to lose any weight, that her appearance was just fine (a huge understatement from me) and then I took her and introduced her to the other employees. Since most of the women are SSBBWs, I'm sure that put her at ease.

Granted, I have a prejudice in favor of fat, but I have hired and fired women who were fat and ones who were skinny. It depended on their qualifications and those who were hired, on their job performance. Yes, I do cut fat women a bit of slack at times (I don't claim to be perfect) just because I enjoy their appearance. But I don't put up with ones who are chronically late, liars, drunks, dopers, etc. I can find those any day at any weight and they aren't worth a plug nickel.

Believe me, I've had to turn down obese women who I really wanted to hire because I was so turned on by their beauty that they were giving me so much wood I could hardly get my mind through the interview, but they just didn't have the qualifications. I'm sure some thought I was opposed to their weight which was obviously not true.

So, ladies, you may fail to get a job because the guy doing the hiring doesn't have enough testosterone to recognize your beauty. Or, it could be for other non-weight related issues.

I turned down an average sized woman once who competed about evenly with a fat one. I'm sure the average sized woman left totally bewildered as to how she failed.

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