Active Member
I’ve got a little “sighting” story to share with you ladies and gents, if you don’t mind humoring me:
A few years back there was a very lovely and very large young lady who used to sit directly in front of me in Eng. class. I guess she was around or beyond 300 lbs, definitely within my area of attraction. When she sat in those little desks/seats, her lovely rolls of fat would spill far over the edges and would even protrude out of her clothing a little. She was always pulling her shirt back down over those voluptuous folds, out of self-consciousness I suppose. (Have you ever noticed that? How some big girl’s beautiful belly will continually be poking out from under their clothing while they are forever trying to stuff it back in? Let it all hang out, ladies!
Unfortunately, I was something of a puritan back then, so I didn’t allow myself to enjoy the view as much as I could have. Ah well, c’est la vie.
I still see her around campus now and then, still as big as ever. I always watch as she passes; maybe somewhat impolitely, but hey, she is probably the only representative of the extra large female form at my university of choice, so can I help but be mesmerized? (living in a “fat state” like WV, you’d think there’d be more, but unfortunately it isn’t so). I’ve talked with her a few times; she is nice enough but we are not so compatible that I’d want to continue my patronage further than admiring her looks (just so you know that I am looking at the inside as well as the out
Then a few semesters ago, there was another very lovely pear shaped lassy who sat in front of me in Econ. class. She had (and has) a nice round, large butt and it definitely filled up and exceeded its allotted space on the seat.
Anyone want to chime in with similar experiences? My last semester is coming up soon; maybe I’ll get lucky and be seated behind another lady of voluptuous proportions. J’espere!
Hoping I don't sound like a total idiot - KingGhidorah
A few years back there was a very lovely and very large young lady who used to sit directly in front of me in Eng. class. I guess she was around or beyond 300 lbs, definitely within my area of attraction. When she sat in those little desks/seats, her lovely rolls of fat would spill far over the edges and would even protrude out of her clothing a little. She was always pulling her shirt back down over those voluptuous folds, out of self-consciousness I suppose. (Have you ever noticed that? How some big girl’s beautiful belly will continually be poking out from under their clothing while they are forever trying to stuff it back in? Let it all hang out, ladies!
Unfortunately, I was something of a puritan back then, so I didn’t allow myself to enjoy the view as much as I could have. Ah well, c’est la vie.
I still see her around campus now and then, still as big as ever. I always watch as she passes; maybe somewhat impolitely, but hey, she is probably the only representative of the extra large female form at my university of choice, so can I help but be mesmerized? (living in a “fat state” like WV, you’d think there’d be more, but unfortunately it isn’t so). I’ve talked with her a few times; she is nice enough but we are not so compatible that I’d want to continue my patronage further than admiring her looks (just so you know that I am looking at the inside as well as the out
Then a few semesters ago, there was another very lovely pear shaped lassy who sat in front of me in Econ. class. She had (and has) a nice round, large butt and it definitely filled up and exceeded its allotted space on the seat.
Anyone want to chime in with similar experiences? My last semester is coming up soon; maybe I’ll get lucky and be seated behind another lady of voluptuous proportions. J’espere!
Hoping I don't sound like a total idiot - KingGhidorah