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Black Men.

Dimensions Magazine

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Well-Known Member
Sep 30, 2005
I come from a town that is over 97% white, so I've almost no experience with other races at all. On Friday night I went to an all night club in Manchester, and that city has a very big mix of races and whatnot. I left the club at 6am with my friend and we started the long walk to the train station. On the way there there was a black man walking across the street. When he saw us he stopped dead and then crossed over to me, took my hand and kissed it and then asked my name. He totally ignored my friend who gets lots of attention and just kept bugging me. I told him I had to rush off for a train so he left and I laughed it off.

But then a few more minutes down the road (the second person we saw another black man) did EXACTLY the same thing. Crossed over to talk to me, kissed my hand and ignored my friend. He was a bit more persistant but in the end he left because we were in a rush.

I've not had this happen to me before. (Well apart from one time in manchester a few years ago when another black dude tried to get me to go for a drink with him while I was at the bus stop) Am I reading too much into this because it's only happened with black men? I've had people approach me in clubs before but never on the street like that.

My 'so-called' friend claimed it was because they wanted a visa and thought fat girls were desperate (she noted that she knows it's not true but some people do think that) but I don't reckon so.

Oh yeah.

P.s I'm back. I got bored of having no where to post and if you don't like it then you know what you can do.

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