Question for my fellow slaves of fashion: has anyone ever successfully lightened jeans using bleach, and if so, how? Fine, it's two questions.
I have a pair of jeans that are cute and fit well, but they're that very dark denim blue which I think looks fabulous on other people, but I don't like it much on me. It just looks kind of...stiff. I just prefer the regular stonewashed look on me, for whatever reason. So would it be very stupid of me to try to lighten/fade them a bit using bleach, do you think? I don't want them to be splotchy, just an overall shade or two lighter.
If I lighten them successfully, I will, of course, postpicsplztanxby.
I have a pair of jeans that are cute and fit well, but they're that very dark denim blue which I think looks fabulous on other people, but I don't like it much on me. It just looks kind of...stiff. I just prefer the regular stonewashed look on me, for whatever reason. So would it be very stupid of me to try to lighten/fade them a bit using bleach, do you think? I don't want them to be splotchy, just an overall shade or two lighter.
If I lighten them successfully, I will, of course, postpicsplztanxby.