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Boomerang - by MaxoutFA (~BBW, BHM. Eating, Sex, Romance)

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Oct 9, 2005
~BBW, BHM. Eating, Sex, Romance - two people explore if the other is indeed "the one"

by MaxoutFA (as of 7/2009)
(originally credited to "Anonymous")

(A multi-part classic novella from the Dimensions Anonymous Archives -
Note: an updated version of this story is also in the Library as "Table Turning" and is found here. This version is now a closed thread. )

When she walked into the room I knew from the minute I saw her that she was the one I was looking for. From where I stood I watched her through the other party guests as she wove her way through the crowd, making an acquaintance here, giving a smile there, as she sought out our host. Her animated movements, the way she would touch the arm of the person she was speaking with; I felt like I had known her all my life.

She was the one – I couldn't let her get away. My pulse quickened and my palms felt sweaty – I had to talk to her and I had to make a good impression. As I was contemplating what to say to her, she made her way towards me.

“Wanna dance” she smiled.

There was no music playing so I smiled in return.

“Tango?” I replied.

“Very good. My name's Elise, are you a friend of Bobby's?”

Before I could answer she took hold of my upper arm and giggled “Of course you are, otherwise you wouldn't be here now would you? See my great deductive reasoning skills at work – are you impressed – you should be.”

I stood there dazed - wondering if maybe she had had afew. But no, she didn't appear to been drinking, not yet at least, she just seemed lively, maybe overcompensating foir inner insecurities..

“So, I noticed that you've been watching me; did I rip my dress, wear too much eyeliner, what?”

I was overwhelmed. I didn't know how much to say, but I decided to take a chance. “You're the one, aren't you?”

“Nice of you to notice”, she immediately shot back with a smile.

“Well, or course I am – wouldn't be here talking to you if I wasn't. So, Mr. Mystery man, got a name?”

“Nick” I said.

“Well Nick, what's a girl got to do to get a drink and some hor's d' oeuvres round here – seems like this restaurant is sorely lacking in the service department.”

“There's a table set up in the dining room; let me bring you something. What's your pleasure?”

“I'm sure you'll find out.” She replied. “But as far as the buffet table is concerned, surprise me; just as long as you serve it with a Bombay tonic a twist and a smile”.

“Your humble servant” I bowed and walking on air proceeded to the dining room.

I was thinking 'this can't be happening”.

Elise was just too perfect. Five foot seven, maybe eight, with long jet-black hair cascading in waves halfway down her backside. An oval face with strong, high cheeks that dimpled when she smiled. A wide, inviting mouth with luscious, full lips. And her eyes; dark obsidian pools that you could dive into and never come up for air. She was voluptuous, with curves in all the right places. Shapely legs, long waisted, and high ,firm, full breasts; all packaged in a simple black cotton dress, cut low, and ending at mid thigh.
She wore black pumps with three or four inch heals (that made her legs look fabulous) and no other adornments. She didn't need any.

Truth be told, she would probably tell you, like all women, that she needed to lose fifteen pounds, but from where I'm standing she was quite the vision – and it sure seemed that she was honey to the rest of the male bears at the party. I looked back at her from the dining room, and was not surprised at all to see her surrounded by men; circling like sharks.

If she was the one, then that was all fine by me.

I perused the buffet table and wondered about her preferences: what would she like?

I decided to fill her plate with a couple of puff pastries, some chips and guacamole, hot wings and a generous slice of cheesecake.

When I returned, she accepted the drink, took a healthy swallow, gazed at the plate I offered her and smiled. “Good boy, I told them you held promise”.

We made our way over to a pair of chairs where we could watch the party unfold. We talked about everything and anything – music: she sang in gospel choir, and loved big band production numbers. Art: had been to Paris and was taken by Monet's Waterlillies. Movies: her favorite films ranged from Lawrence of Arabia to What's New Pussycat; and yes, she loved Peter O'Toole in Night of The Generals.

All this information was filtered through an almost constant stream of observations about the people at the party. Gossip about who was with who, who used to be, who wanted to be, it was like she was information central.

About halfway through a discourse on why Sandy had colored her hair (to attract Jim, who was with Cindy, but on shaky ground- at least that's what Mary said, and she should know-) she looked down at her empty plate and said “you know, that cheesecake was divine. Think there might be another slice left?”

I told her that it would be my pleasure to find out.

“See what other kinds of goodies are there, while you're at it. I feel like indulging my sweet tooth tonight”.

“Your wish is my command”.

“Yeah, yeah, just keep it that way. Now go!”

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. It was magical. I was experiencing a waking dream. It couldn't be just a fluke, could it? I mean, here was the woman of my dreams blissfully stuffing herself full of fattening desserts right before my eyes, and we had just met. If this were a habit, she'd surely soon be larger than the maybe 130 she was carrying. Could it be a display, a show put on just for me; as if telling me that yes, she was the one. She knew it and I had better not miss the cues.

I almost couldn't believe my eyes as the second plate, another slice of cheesecake, a piece of chocolate meringue pie, and a brownie, disappeared in short order. All that was left on her plate were a couple of ladyfingers. She picked one up and pushed it towards my mouth.

“Open sesame” she giggled.

As I accepted the morsel, she smiled and said “O.K., now your turn”.

As I guided the ladyfinger into her luscious mouth, she reached out, held my wrist, swallowed, and began licking my fingers with her long, pointed tongue.
“So Sugar, remember that I said I wanted to indulge my sweet tooth?”

“Yeah” I almost moaned, short of breath from the rush of her tongue against the palm of my hand.

“Well, you're looking an awful lot like dessert to me. What say we blow this Popsicle stand?”

“You don't have to ask twice” I drooled as we got up and made our way towards the door, pausing just long enough for her to grab a couple of cookies from a plate and pop one into my mouth.

“Sweets for the sweet” as she took my arm, placed it around her tight waist and leaned into me, just like we'd been together for a hundred years.
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