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Britain's fattest teenager regains 16st (224lbs) in 16 months...

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Exile from Main Board
Dec 26, 2007
Georgia Davis has been in the papers over here a few times.
She weighed 33st (462lbs) when she was sent to a US "fat camp" and lost a great deal of weight - in about nine months or so- within an environment where someone else was controlling food.
Georgia got down to 18st (about 240lbs) at her lowest.

Upon returning home, she returned to her previous eating habits and now weighs 34st (476lbs), just 16months afer getting back to Wales.

Besides illustrating the usual OMGTEHDEATHFATZFREAKSHOW of the media, and the dramatic whiplash of yo-yo dieting / ractchet gaining... I think both the media and the medical establishment have missed the point about what Georgia's problem(s) are....

She says that she began to overeat following the death of her Dad when she was very young. She is currently caring for her 55 year old mother who has heart disease and her 70 year old grandad who has lung cancer.

It seems to me that Georgia is dealing with a hell of a lot while still very young and that she needs help in a whole bunch of ways, not all of which may necessarily, be directly to do with weight / her feeling that she has an addiction...

Specifically, it seems to me that she has been lacking a capable parental figure for some time, and she must be struggling to deal with caring for two ill adults whilst trying to continue schooling... Not to mention issues of grief for her father and probably anxiety for her mother and grandad....

Your thoughts DIMs?

Most recent story, in the papers:

An earlier account that briefly mentions her role as carer for her family:

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