Dimensions' loiterer
I feel like there is very little place for women, and even more specifically larger women, to express their sexuality comfortably and on their own terms. To me, burlesque dancing is the perfect opportunity to truly feel awesome in my own skin. Burlesque gives me the perfect opportunity to truly feel awesome in my own skin. Burlesque gives me the opportunity to dress up, dance and show off just how sexy fat can be!
Blu Velvet describes her feelings on burlesque with giddy anticipation. Shes awaiting Heart-On Burlesque 3, an annual Ottawa event to be held at Club Saw March 24.
That was the start of an article in Ottawa Express (a once/3 week alternative paper which primarily focuses on the gay and lesbian population, but tends to cover lots of cool stuff around town). Hearts On Burlesque is apparently a women only event (natural or ts, which was interesting given a column on the next page discussing the issues in the lesbian community about ts-women), designed to be a supportive environment for women to explore this sort of thing. The event is not specifically about fat women, but I thought it was interesting that they chose a fat woman for the lead quote.
I dont know if this sort of event is common elsewhere, but it struck me that for quite a few fat women trying to re-assert their sexuality this sort of event might be interesting. I know essentially none of you are in Ottawa, but I thought the concept might interest a few people, and maybe there would be something similar near you.