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Can one love humanity yet have a dislike for many people?

Dimensions Magazine

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Aug 27, 2009
I find this interesting. I have a big case of road rage and have cussed out other drivers who did something stupid. I hate crowds and I can get irritated easily by foolish people. Some people on this board think I'm a big negative meanie (I can be sometimes if one deserves it).

However, I have sympathy for the entire human race, particularly those who are oppressed or have no voice--the poor, the homeless, the abused, even certain criminals. I believe many criminals were raised in homes full of abuse, neglect, and no love and that is why many people turn out a certain way. Yet, the cycle continues. I strongly believe one's environment shapes them into who they are when they become older.

I also enjoy helping other people, especially young people having a tough time with certain academic subjects. I'm a great and loyal friend, daughter, sister, girlfriend.

I support universal healthcare, education reform, and other measures which benefit the poor and middle class.

Yet, again, I hate crowds, can be bitchy on-line, and have a bad case of road rage!

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