Ernest Nagel
is old
If you need something fresh to be upset about this was news to me. Think of the chill-DRUN!! Goat ahead but I'm not kidding, this is really baaa-d.
Each year, over 6000 people are traumatized by goats in the United States alone.
If a child is traumatized by a goat before age five, he/she is five times more likely to become some form of social deviant.
If treatment is received promptly, many of the extremely damaging effects of a goat trauma can be cured.
When given a choice four out five goats will attack a child before attacking either another goat or an adult.
These same goats will choose to assault an adult over another goat more than three times out of five.
There are over 50,000 petting zoos in the United States.
The majority of goat traumas occur before age eight and after age fifty-two.
In a scientific experiment, seven out of ten goats prefer man-made fibers over natural fibers.
Each year, over 6000 people are traumatized by goats in the United States alone.
If a child is traumatized by a goat before age five, he/she is five times more likely to become some form of social deviant.
If treatment is received promptly, many of the extremely damaging effects of a goat trauma can be cured.
When given a choice four out five goats will attack a child before attacking either another goat or an adult.
These same goats will choose to assault an adult over another goat more than three times out of five.
There are over 50,000 petting zoos in the United States.
The majority of goat traumas occur before age eight and after age fifty-two.
In a scientific experiment, seven out of ten goats prefer man-made fibers over natural fibers.