No one cares anyway
So I was channel surfing the other day and Oprah had this guy on that started the Chipotle chain...Has anyone ever eaten at one? It is mexican food
The owner was talking about using nothing but fresh in-season veggies and meat that has not been given any hormones..He said he wanted people to see that fast food did not have to be McD or BK but could be good fresh tasting food..He also said that he thought Americans were eating way to much injected meat and not enough free range meat...I did agree with him that meat not given hormones taste a whole lot better then what you buy in the stores!
So tell me what you think of the food if you have been to one! Thanks
The owner was talking about using nothing but fresh in-season veggies and meat that has not been given any hormones..He said he wanted people to see that fast food did not have to be McD or BK but could be good fresh tasting food..He also said that he thought Americans were eating way to much injected meat and not enough free range meat...I did agree with him that meat not given hormones taste a whole lot better then what you buy in the stores!
So tell me what you think of the food if you have been to one! Thanks