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Clubhouse Confessional: Forgive me, rainyday...

Dimensions Magazine

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Dec 30, 2005
...for I have...well...

I wouldn't really say 'sinned'...

Let's just say that I've shirked my duties as cabana boy a bit, but you've got to keep in mind that I became Jane's chauffeur when she got the car, and that's a duty entrusted only to me, right? I mean, we've got several cabana boys, but no-one else is allowed to drive miz Jane's car.

(Not complaining, Jane, just trying to weasel my way out of carrying stacks of towels!)

Oh, and while I was bouncing miz Sandie (S-R)--engaged, as I was at the time, in the...er...discharge of my duties (can I change that to 'execution of my duties'?) as official bouncer-- I'd like to assure you that my thoughts were pure...


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