Well-Known Member
HI. my name is Jessica, 30 from pa. I am new to this site and my friend told me about it. He thought i should write about some of my situations. So here goes I know its a known fact that girls compete with each other. With anything such as jobs, hairstyles, shoes, guys even losing weight. But how often do you hear of girls competing over how much fatter they can get. I'm sure it happens silently between girls the loose/gain competition. But everyone knows more about the loss side you see it everywhere. Almost every ad shows the everyday struggle of girls to loose weight. I am in a current competition but mine has nothing to do with shedding pounds. Mine is all about gaining pounds and doing it faster than another girl. We started out joking around about eating and asking what we had to eat all day. Mostly cause the mutual guy we liked enjoyed hearing about it. We would also be telling him all this lol. Which of course he would enjoy so in turn we seemed to make it more interesting and talk about eating in front of him whenever we were all together. Eventually the fight over weight gain got more intense to where we were weighing ourselves weekly and not only telling him but telling each other. It seemed we were in a full on battle to gain the most weight in a week and the great part was how much at least I enjoyed it. I would find myself eating more and more just cause i enjoyed it the battle almost became secondary and we would still compete daily whether through him or texts. Our conversations started to revolve around eating and weight gain. We are still in the battle now and still gaining i think between the two of us its been about 45 to 50 pounds total in the last 3-4 months we've gained lol Will keep you posted