. . . for Mrs Ho Ho. Yesterday marked her 30th anniversary WITH THE SAME COMPANY. She started as a laborer in the vineyards of Fortran and has steadily risen through the ranks - senior, principal, et c., until she is now a Fellow in Engineering. She represents a good part of the corporate memory and, through involvement in many projects, still fields questions about projects from 20 or more years ago. There is one more step on the ladder - Senior Fellow.
Through it all, she has remained the same always loving, always helpful, always with an answer - or a hug. On the side, she volunteers for things like Reading Buddies, where she showers the same tenderness and affection on her little charges that she does on our grand kids. The rest of the time she makes old Ho Ho happier than I could have ever imagined.
Yesterday, they threw a party for her at a local restaurant. Bosses, former bosses, Directors, V.P. and the whole crew she currently works with were there.
I showed up too, since it also marked the 30th anniversary of our first meeting. Y'see, I was one of the people who interviewed her for a position with our group, insisted that she be hired, and worked side by side with her for some eight years.
I was there with her at the beginning, and I hope to be with her until the end of time.
So let's send it up for Mrs Ho Ho!
Through it all, she has remained the same always loving, always helpful, always with an answer - or a hug. On the side, she volunteers for things like Reading Buddies, where she showers the same tenderness and affection on her little charges that she does on our grand kids. The rest of the time she makes old Ho Ho happier than I could have ever imagined.
Yesterday, they threw a party for her at a local restaurant. Bosses, former bosses, Directors, V.P. and the whole crew she currently works with were there.
I showed up too, since it also marked the 30th anniversary of our first meeting. Y'see, I was one of the people who interviewed her for a position with our group, insisted that she be hired, and worked side by side with her for some eight years.
I was there with her at the beginning, and I hope to be with her until the end of time.
So let's send it up for Mrs Ho Ho!