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Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2006
...but I don't care because I'm too relieved.
:D We're done!:D
The move is over and we're all settled in. It's funny how you don't remember what's so awful about moving until you move.

A couple of things I've learned:
*If it seems too heavy, don't lift it.
*It really sucks to run out of packing tape in the wee hours.
*Sleeper sofas are really freakin' heavy.
*I use too much bubble wrap on stuff I love.
*Styrofoam squeaking against cardboard seriously makes me want to hurt someone.
*Uhaul really is run by the Devil.

Here's something my cats learned:
*Bubble wrap is fun to walk on, but not to jump on.
*Packing tape and fur don't mix.

I had to really think about it, but I've moved 21 times in my life. :eek: 21!!! True, I was a military brat, but that still seems excessive. I love all of the places I got to see as a kid, but I remember envying those kids who grew up in one house, one city.

Oh, and I LOVE our new place! Yay!

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