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Corporate Chubbies 6 - by Samster (~BBW (multiple), Eating, Romance, Realistic, ~SWG)

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Oct 9, 2005
~BBW (multiple), Eating, Romance, Realistic, ~SWG - Work success comes from focusing on the job, not your body. Of course, such job focus can also impact the body...

Corporate Chubbies 6: Hitting Their Stride
by Samster

[For prior chapter click here]

Chapter 6

8:00 am Monday

Julie Lindley was in for work early. Her role as HR Advisor at the NatWest bank wasn’t particularly demanding, but then Julie had precious little outside work to do. The effect was that she arrived in work early just to be there. Getting in an hour early was better than another lonely hour alone.

Slowly she flicked through her emails; her eyes resting on the one from sally.turner @ haysrichmond.com. Julie’s heart flipped a beat. Sally was the object of most of Julie’s current fantasies. The persistent saleswomen was trying to sell her firm’s recruitment services, but all Julie could think of was Sally's greedy appetite and increasingly plump figure.

Just a few years back, when they’d attended college together, Sally had been the toned, athletic tennis champion; now she was a full blown office chubbette - all of which Julie loved.

Over the past two weeks Sally had been chasing her for business, Julie knew she could probably parlay this interest into an opportunity to take Sally out to the city’s best restaurants. There she’d watch the corporate chubby sit on her fat ass and stuff her face with whatever was the dish of the day.

“No wonder you’re getting to be such a little fattie,” she chortled to herself as she opened the email. “I’d love to see your fat ass on the tennis court now!”

The email popped up on the screen. Sent on Friday it read politely.

‘Hi Julie,

Enjoyed our meeting the other day and wondered if you’d had the opportunity to speak to you boss about our proposal. I am confident we can supply you and will give you a call tomorrow to discuss further.

Kindest regards


Julie clicked reply email. She felt bad for a moment. She hadn’t actually spoken to her boss at all. In fact, Julie in no way had the authority to place Hays Richmond on her employer’s preferred suppliers list, but she couldn’t resist leading Sally on. So she wrote.


Good to hear from you. I spoke to Neil and we have a few more questions. I’m out most of the day but how about we meet at La Tasca for lunch?


Satisfied, she clicked send. Now all she had to do was wait for the reply.

8:30 am Monday

Standing third in line at the Starbucks, Sally Turner’s mind was slowly coming back to life. She’d had a late night out Sunday with her boss Matthew Hodgson and had over indulged a little on the red wine. Not to mention the roast lamb and creamed potatoes with green beans almandine. And the praline pecan sundae Matt had “shared” but she wound up devouring 2/3 of.
Her belly wasn’t complaining, but Sally’s head was thumping just a little and the stress of the morning commute had been hard work. So she needed her Starbuck’s fix.

“What can I get you?” asked the perky barista.

“Uh…I’ll have a venti peppermint latte”

“Coming up, and can I recommend the new Apple and Cinnamon muffin. It’s just what you need to get your day started.”

Sally paused and thought for a moment about her diet. But then her appetite got the better of her as felt her tummy rumble at the thought of the oversize sweet cinnamon and apple muffin.

“I’m never going to lose weight like this!” she thought, but then she said out loud:

“Ok, one of those too please.”

After handing over £4.95 Sally walked slowly to the next counter and waited for her coffee and muffin. She was still sleepy and struggling to wake up. It was one of those mornings that made Sally just want to lounge lazily in her warm bed; rainy outside, grey skies, bad traffic into work and a long day ahead.

Sally had four candidates to interview for the morning and another two in the afternoon; this meant a day of working through assessment tests, personality profiles and typing tests with her candidates. Interviews were the long boring groundwork that just had to be put in before she got the placement; not exciting but 100% necessary. She wanted the NatWest account but wasn’t neglecting her other prospects in the meantime.

The barista handed over her hot coffee and muffin. Sally then began her walk across the office block foyer and towards the lifts. Pausing by the lift entrance to press the ‘up’ button she tried to think of something exciting that could happen that day…and her mind settled on Julie Lindley at NatWest. Now that deal had to be going somewhere soon…

Slowly she stepped into lift and took the first drink of her coffee. She didn’t notice the man who’d stepped in next to her until he planted a kiss onto her peppermint latte flavored lips.

“Hey Matt,” she laughed pushing him away, “I thought you weren’t going to kiss me at work?”

“Sally babe,” returned her secret lover “we’re in the lift. Just me and you.
Nobody can see”

“Ooo sexy” she giggled “so kiss me again.”

Matt obliged and planted a deep kiss on her lips that progressed into an interlocking of tongues. She tasted warm and sweet even that early in the morning. Sally’s tongue had a coating of Starbucks peppermint and her scent of shampoo from her morning shower mixed in with her perfume. Although he hated to admit it, Matthew Hodgson was falling for Sally Turner big time.

Suddenly the lift slowed and the two released each other and resumed their normal poses. Matt hoping her lipstick hadn’t smudged and Sally tugging back down on her snug jacket. Suddenly she felt wide awake. Both she and Matt had agreed their relationship should remain secret within the office until they were permanently together. For the rest of the staff to find out that the boss was sleeping with a consultant would have been the catalyst to the ultimate office rumor mill.

They stepped into the office.

“Good luck today Sal,” said Matt in a friendly yet professional manner.

“Thanks,” she smiled.

“Aren’t we the full of it foxes,” she thought as she walked to her desk.

8:55 am Monday

Reggie Cornwall was one of the industrious blokes hired to solicit and service clients.

Walking into the office lobby Monday morning he was running late and in a major rush. It was Hay Richmond’s monthly sales meeting and he couldn’t afford to be late again. All that changed very quickly when he caught Kirstie Jennings coming out of the Starbucks outlet in the lobby.

Kirstie was a stunning brunette who worked on a different floor from Reggie. In fact she didn't even work for the firm, but for NatWest Financial. Her floor was separate from Tasha's realm with its free coffee room pastries. Her office had no such amenities. Kirstie was carrying two holders, each filled with six coffees. She was clearly worked for the NatWest organization because she was wearing their corporate blazer.

Reggie slowed right down and took an approving look. Her navy blue uniform was incredibly tight. She was clearly fitted for it before her curves had filled out as they had. That skirt clung like a second skin around her chunky bubble butt. It also clamped down very nicely at her knees and was forcing her to sway her hips in a very sexy wiggle simply to move forward.

Reggie's spirits lifted and his mood improved considerably.

To his surprise she headed for the stairs rather than the lift. He decided there was no way he was going to miss this porked up hottie navigating the stairs. To him there was nothing like the sight of a bubble butt, a too tight skirt and a flight of stairs.

He was not disappointed. The sight was incredible. Her skirt was so tight around her curves that she could barely make each step...and after several it was obvious she was struggling for balance. There were crease and stretch marks across her skirt and he could see the seams being pushed hard. She was trying to reach out for the banister but couldn't because of the coffee balancing act. Eventually he managed to tear his eyes away from her fat bum and offer some assistance.

"Can I help"

"Oh yes, thanks. I should have taken the elevator with this load. "

"Well, maybe. But normally climbing stairs is good exercise."

She blushed slightly and he could see her thinking about her weight. She was what you could call a "regulation hottie" who had apparently just crossed the line into the chubby bracket. Her uniform was really tight and Kirstie (which he discerned from reading her name badge) was no doubt feeling the squeeze.

"Hey, not that you need it any differently from anyone else. You look great to me."


"Whoever it is you work with they shouldn't have a lady like you walking down there for coffee."

She laughed.

"Oh, I offered. Its so boring sitting up there all day with no windows."

So Reggie carried the coffee's up to Kirstie's floor. She really was stunning although her uniform really seemed too tight. From the front she had a nice little belly growing and her boobs were pushing her blouse just a little. She wasn't fastening her jacket but he imagined that it really was a squeeze.

At her floor she took the coffee and wiggled back on into her office. Reggie couldn't hide the big cheery smile as he punched the key for the elevator to his own floor. As he exited the elevator his mind was wandering, imagining Kirstie sitting bored at her desk snacking, drinking her lattes and getting way too chubby to even try squeezing into that NatWest uniform.

"I'll certainly be keeping my eye out for her again - maybe she likes Italian food," he thought.

He had barely noticed Tasha riding up and then exiting the elevator with him, or that she had witnessed his initial pursuit of Kirstie on the stairs. Nor could he dream of what she was thinking, any more than Sally and Matt knew she had them pegged. Tasha was a quiet observer, not a gossip.

Tasha was a mature woman in her early fifties with a faithful and loving husband plus 2-3 grown kids. Weight had never been a vanity issue for Tasha - just having her health and love of a good man was good enough.

Always larger, she just counted her size as the price to be paid for pampering a generous appetite. And recently she too had grown a tad.

Her love of food was early-on translated into a tool used to both please and to achieve desired goals. Matt and Will knew she was good with people - that's why she was a manager.

She was also a master manipulator and occasional matchmaker. She suspected the boss and Sally were possibly becoming an item, she thought. She had nothing definite to work on, but she could see the chemistry. She also saw potential in Kirstie and Reggie.

"Hmm, I wonder what would happen if those two encountered one another again at an office party. She's nice and he seems interested," Tasha mused.

She had her chemistry right. But even Tasha at that moment did not realize there was destined to be a link between Kirstie and Julie at NatWest.

Kirstie set the lattes down on the department table adjacent to an existing large box of doughnuts and other pastries. Others in the NatWest telephone response unit took note and prepared to come get them.

“Thanks for volunteering, I know its been a slow day today,” said her lead, Millie Horn.

“No problem,“ smiled Kirstie, as she adjusted her tight skirt. “The management training program here at NatWest has its phases – they explained that when I came aboard after graduation. Three months of classes, six months as a teller in the branch, now this for another six in phone service before the final six as an understudy in personnel. I understand the drill and am happy to help wherever I can.”

When she reached the Personnel Department in six months Kirstie would be an understudy to Julie. It was a twist of fate the consequences of which no one at the time understood. For the moment Kirstie was just another ambitious NatWest career girl.

Millie appreciated Kirstie’s cooperative attitude. Some in her place simply filled in time talking to friends on the phone. Others, like Kirstie, tried to find useful things to do – which of course was from management’s point of view secretly the idea. It was a test of the trainee’s inner character.

Millie realized that her intern’s assigned tasks weren’t that challenging, but the bank insisted on compartmentalizing each phase of the trainee program. Millie wasn’t allowed to load a trainee up with other departmental tasks just to fill in time gaps.

Of course Millie had observed more than one associate do something other than personal matters with gaps. Some formed the habit of filling in moments of idle time snacking on comfort foods. Kirstie seemed to be doing this, but in that regard she was just another in a long line.

Ten months of entry level work, the amount she’d put in this far, were duck soup for a girl of Kristie’s intelligence, but wasn’t demanding physically. Her thighs had filled in nicely but, although fleshy, weren’t yet rubbing together. Her butt and upper arms were noticeably rounder as well. Her once taut midsection had a slight pudge that formed into two small rolls when she sat down. Kirstie knew she’d likely picked up a few pounds but was not greatly concerned – the real issue for her was her uniform. The bank had supplied her with one a size smaller than she had requested due to stocking problems.

Millie took one of the lattes and retired to her office. Kirstie took two pastries and a latte herself and retired to her cubicle. She’d already replied to a dozen or so inquiries that day, but call volume was below normal. She idly daydreamed a bit about the nice young man who’d helped her out.

“Such a gentleman – and idiot me, I didn’t even give him my name or ask his!”

She munched on the maple bar. When the phone rang she snapped back into business mode. So it went for the next two hours until Millie stopped by and invited her into her office.

“Kirstie, I have some bad news and hopefully two pieces if good news. I’m truly sorry about having to make you endure those snug size 8 uniforms instead of the 10’s you requested when you transferred in. The bad news is that I’ve had purchasing check with our uniform supplier in Asia. They are only now shipping the container with fresh size 10 uniforms - it likely will be a few months until they arrive. There are, however, some size twelves available – if you don’t mind.”

“I really don’t,” replied Kirstie, fingering her too tight waistband. “I may have picked up a few and these are really snug. So much for bad news, what’s the other good news?’”

“I may have a project that will relieve some of the boredom I know you’ve been feeling.”

“Oh? Sounds interesting. What’s up?”

“We’ll be having a Guy Fawkes festival next month and the firms in the building are coordinating our observance. The bank needs someone to serve on the organizing Committee. I believe you did that sort of thing in college. Feel up for it?”

“Sounds interesting. What do I do?”

“The manager of one of the recruiting firms upstairs is the co-ordinator – you can begin by calling her – the name is Tasha Preston.“

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