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Russell Williams

Well-Known Member
Feb 18, 2006
Last week I was at a convention. Most of the people there were either members of boards of education of Maryland public school systems or the superintendents of Maryland boards of education.

A man named Don Zauderer gave a three-hour presentation talking about ethics and in particular the ethics of school boards. At one point he passed out a handout and one of the items on the handout was a list of groups that should not be discriminated against. I pointed out to him that the word size needed to be added to the list. He agreed with me, went back to the front of the room, and asked me to tell everybody there about the importance of not discriminating against people on the basis of their size.

So, I stood, and, addressing much of the educational leadership of the state of Maryland, talked about the importance of making sure the public school facilities accommodated both fat students and fat parents. I told the assembled educators of the need to make sure that there was a mechanism to provide adequate seating for fat people in the school auditoriums. I talked of size discrimination being the last safe form of discrimination. I told of people having the right to live a life in which they were treated with dignity and respect, regardless of the body they happen to find themselves in.

Alas, I did not have a copy of the Declaration of Fat Independence to pass out. However I do have a computer and I have the e-mail addresses of some of the people who were there.

Yours truly,

Russell Williams

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