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Daily activism -- hospital -- historical

Dimensions Magazine

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Russell Williams

Well-Known Member
Feb 18, 2006
Daily activism -- historical

This may have some relevance to Lexi's situation.

Several years ago I got a desperate call from the mother of a sick 550 pound fat woman. The mother and daughter lived in Cumberland, Maryland. Cumberland, Maryland is about 75 miles away.

The daughter was very ill but her previous hospital experience had been so awful that the daughter would stay home and die rather than go back and subject herself to the indignities that she had previously received at the local hospital. The mother asked me to please do something if I could to convince her daughter to go to the hospital to get the daughter decent treatment once she got to the hospital.

I dressed in my best suit (which happens to be my only suit) picked up a pen and a pad of yellow legal size note paper, and drove to the mother's house where she and her daughter showed me the daughter’s hot, red, inflamed, and solid lower abdomen. We got the daughter into a vehicle and then to the local hospital.

Once at the hospital, as best I remember, I said almost nothing. I let the mother and the daughter do the talking. I simply stood near them carefully writing things down on the yellow, legal size note paper while occasionally asking for the definition of a medical term being used. The daughter was quickly taken into an examination room, the mother, I, my suit, and the pad of legal size yellow note paper followed, and the daughter was given a polite, professional, medical examination, and within less than one half hour of the time we got to the hospital she had been hooked up to an IV drip.

The mother later told me that the doctor who, in front of me, my suit, and my legal size pad of yellow paper had treated the daughter so respectfully and professionally was the same doctor who had given the daughter so much grief on a previous visit.

Yours truly,

Russell Williams

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