Russell Williams
Well-Known Member
Daily activism
Today I attended a meeting of a subcommittee of the local Board of Education. During the meeting it was mentioned that the seats in the auditorium of one of the local high schools were in very bad shape. This was my opening.
I pointed out that the seats had been put in perhaps 30 years ago and that during that time the average American had been getting fatter. After some discussion it was decided that they would come up with a method of making sure that some of the seats in the auditorium were more accommodating to large people. It was mentioned that there was no easy way to put a sign on the seats stating that they were reserved for fat people without implying that they were reserved for fat people.
I then asked about toilets and was told that all toilets now being installed will be floor mounted toilets.
I then asked about classroom desks. I was told that all desks now being purchased were desks that were not attached to the chairs and that could easily be adjusted in height.
All in all this has the potential for being a good day's worth of fat activism.
Go thou and do likewise. It will help our children and it will help the children of our friends.
Yours truly,
Russell Williams -- past cochairperson of the national activism committee of NAAFA
Today I attended a meeting of a subcommittee of the local Board of Education. During the meeting it was mentioned that the seats in the auditorium of one of the local high schools were in very bad shape. This was my opening.
I pointed out that the seats had been put in perhaps 30 years ago and that during that time the average American had been getting fatter. After some discussion it was decided that they would come up with a method of making sure that some of the seats in the auditorium were more accommodating to large people. It was mentioned that there was no easy way to put a sign on the seats stating that they were reserved for fat people without implying that they were reserved for fat people.
I then asked about toilets and was told that all toilets now being installed will be floor mounted toilets.
I then asked about classroom desks. I was told that all desks now being purchased were desks that were not attached to the chairs and that could easily be adjusted in height.
All in all this has the potential for being a good day's worth of fat activism.
Go thou and do likewise. It will help our children and it will help the children of our friends.
Yours truly,
Russell Williams -- past cochairperson of the national activism committee of NAAFA