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Damn humans.....

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Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2005
After catching up on many posts here are Dimensions. I have to say that this post: What's it like to have sex with a small *ya know* naughty bit?? even though I am sure it was meant to be funny, leaves me feeling uncomfortable. Maybe it is because I have missed the timing of the posts and threads. Maybe because when I read the heated debates of a couple other threads:

What does it all really mean?

what is it like to 'be with' an enormously obese woman

The Penis thread seems just as insensitive. I apologize if this opinion offends anyone, as I am just expressing my sentiment.

It is well known that the male gender is quite sensitive to the fact of penis size etc. I know this first hand in my job as a public health nurse. It doesn't take long for one to know that Penis size is a huge issue for guys, but here we are joking about it. It can actually cause a lot of emotional pain and insecurity as well.

I think we cant have it all one way ladies. Either we learn to be more open minded about openly discussing topics or we shouldn’t speak at all. Is it fair for us to make derogatory remarks about male attributes, then complain about perceived negative remarks about women?

For those of you who know me, I am rarely mean spirited or unfair but we as a society need to learn to have a bit more tolerance. I dent like hearing about how some discussions have caused pain and insecurity for some of the ladies here. I also dent like seeing a discussion that may hurt the gentlemen here either. I do however like an open dialogue, a place for each of us to grow emotionally. Perhaps the merit is in the fact that discussion is happening.

I have discussed this with a couple of gentlemen who feel that this board isn't the safest place to discuss FA issues openly. Indeed some of the issues that FA's face are just as painful and emotionally driven as the ones we ladies face in being of size. Maybe there should be an FA Area, moderated by FA's of course, where there might be a bit more tolerance for FA comments and questions? Some of the discussions that FA's like to discuss, particularly men who are just developing their confidence can tend to inflame emotionally injured BBWs, but they deserve a safe place to verbalize their issues and concerns.

All this makes me feel, that though we like to think we are more tolerant than others because we have faced intolerance in our own lives, we are no better people than the part of society we wish to change. It leads me to more strongly believe that we can only change ourselves or socialize our children towards a better society. We eat our young, bash our allies, neglect our aged.

And just like Fuzzy's link asked:If the world ended tomorrow, what would be your last thought? a)Of eternity. b) Damn humans. I would have to choose the later.

I have appreciated listening and reading everyone’s thought provoking threads and posts.

Just my uncensored thoughts.



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