As if moving from one suite to another weren't bad enough, we've also been bedeviled by one power outage after another. Yesterday a storm knocked out the grid, and our old UPS backup power doesn't have more than a few minutes' worth of juice. So I sat there in the dark for two hours, waiting for the power to come back up so I could restart the servers. Frustratingly, my suite is located in the same building as our ISP, and they never lose power because they have monstrous UPS systems and a diesel generator. Doesn't cover us, though.
So I wake up this morning and the servers were down again -- another power outage. Just what I need on a Saturday morning, trekking back up to the office. Well, let's hope 21st century technology will be able to maintain reliable power for the rest of the weekend....
I swear, moving all the systems to some nice, safe server farm somewhere looks more and more appealing. And it'd probably be cheaper to boot.
So I wake up this morning and the servers were down again -- another power outage. Just what I need on a Saturday morning, trekking back up to the office. Well, let's hope 21st century technology will be able to maintain reliable power for the rest of the weekend....
I swear, moving all the systems to some nice, safe server farm somewhere looks more and more appealing. And it'd probably be cheaper to boot.