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Dear mister Ratsinger

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womble/leprechaun hybrid!
Nov 22, 2007
whilst I know you are not reading this (unless you have the desire for some BBnuns in the vatican), but this message I think needs to be said. Whilst you are visiting our secular third world country of the united kingdom, you might be receiving some hostile action. this is nothing to do with any rampant atheist dictatorship running the country, but mainly to do with your less than stellar performance.

I don't have any problem with the catholic doctorine, I don't have any problem with the catholic faith, and whilst I think it is rather bizarre you decided to worship the forerunner of all hippies, I respect your right to do so. and I know people will start jumping on me telling me that I'm wrong etc etc, but I want to air some personal greivences towards you. I would also like to point out whilst I did attend the anti-pope visit marches, my main reason to attend was on the grounds that I, as a tax payer, do not want to be footing your bill of £10 million.

ok, let me begin.
1. nice and easy, Promote condom use in africa. Aids is a rampant epidemic in africa, where people have no knowledge of how to deal with it. You are in an important position in that the catholic church is rather strong in that part of the world. so whilst you're there, do some proper education about it rather than bemoaning about how celebacy is the only way (and whilst it's a very good way to avoid aids, please don't say it's the only one)

2. apologise for the inquisitions actions and for helping the nazis, rather than blaming it on atheists as you are want to do. Admittedly, you had preachers who fought against the nazi's, but you also had pastors who didn't and even supported it. the predecessor to john paul II might spring to mind in that regard. I know the jokes about you being in the hitler youth will be batted away by your PR ninja bishops, saying "Well he didn't want to", but explain to me why the "Atheist" SS had "Under god" as their motto?

3. Don't be haten the gays. I know it's in your doctorine about how they are an abomination or whatever, but really, in this day and age, when there is so much hate in the world, causing any more is really stupid. You still don't have to like them, but at least treat them civilly. I don't much like conservatives, but I don't think of them as any less human, or an affront to civilisation as we know it. It just seems a little intolerant, when you came here to preach about the benefits of tolerance and community... oh wait.

4. and most important, take some f**king action over the rampant child abuse that is happening within your own organisation, rather than keeping it all under papal secrecy. You are the f**king head of the church, and your word is papal decree, you can do something about this, you can stop this! At the very least, Excommunicate the priests involved, no matter how high up, and hand them over to secular authorities for them to pay for their crimes. Any further action on tackling this issue would be excellent and will stop repeats, rather than the organisation being brought down by scandal.

I don't want the catholic church to disappear. It's been one of the most influential players in european history, and the wealth of knowledge within the archives and the grace of the traditions is something invaluable. but please, You are meant to be infallable, people believe you are infallable, and you could really do some good in the world. At the very least, it will stop people comparing you to emperor palpatine. gets old after a while, doesn't it?


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