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December birthdays

Dimensions Magazine

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Well-Known Member
Dec 31, 2006
Who here has a birthday in the month of December... especially near Christmas??

I do. Mine is December 15. Here's a cute story.... Every year as a kid, my birthday was ALWAYS holiday oriented. My cake had a Christmas theme. We didn't have birthday decorations cause the Christmas ones were already up. And my mother never went out and specifically bought me a birthday gift. She just took something she bought me for Christmas and gave me that... and yes, it has the Christmas wrapping as well. Even my birthday card was for someone with a birthday near Christmas!! I never really thought much of it until I was maybe 13 or 14, and we were joking about birthdays once and I told my mother I always hated that, and ever since then, she makes a point to buy me a birthday gift, with birthday wrapping paper, and a regular birthday cake, and a regular birthday card....nothing at ALL having to do with Christmas. LOL

Anyone other December babies have a story like that??

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