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Deceptive Business Practice and Roaman's

Dimensions Magazine

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Well-Known Member
Sep 30, 2005
Last December, I made a purchase from Roamans.com, and after it was completed, the site went to a page offering a $10 coupon off my next purchase. Normally, I'm pretty savvy about those "Jump through our hoops and we'll give you the moon" scams, but silly me...I thought this was a coupon being offered by Roamans, who have a privacy policy and assurances that purchases made on their site are secure, so I wasn't worried.

You know how, on many forms, they ask you to enter your email address twice for verification? Well, apparently somewhere on the page is some small print explaining that this is some shyster's version of consent for them to take the account and billing information I had given Roaman's and sign me up for something called ReservationRewards.com, a travel discount company. It's such a habit to do that (enter the email twice) that I never gave it a second thought, and didn't believe I needed to read the fine print addressing this simple, common process. But, this morning, I found a charge for $12 on my account by this company. When I called them to have it removed, they did so willingly, but it still angered me when they explained how it happened.

Upon investigation, I found this article that describes the company and their practices.
"Webloyalty obtains the consent of individuals as required for the collection, use or disclosure of personal information. Consent can be either expressed or implied. Typically, consent is obtained by a double-email-address-entry-click-through arrangement after informing the consumer of all relevant terms."

Language like this covers the bases for online businesses in legal terms. But by becoming more aware of the practices behind it, consumers may think twice about clicking on seemingly free online offers -- or about using the Internet retailers who support them.
I feel duped by Roaman's and disappointed that they would participate in such a practice. $12 isn't so much in the big picture, but the fact that a company I trusted to handle my personal account information securely passed it on to a company that used it in manner that is highly questionable, at best, is extremely diappointing. I've sent Roaman's a letter of complaint, and plan to file complaints with both the BBB and FTC against Webloyalty and ReservationRewards.com. I hope this helps keep others from the same experience.

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