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Queen of Contempt
Oct 4, 2005
I didn't want to hijack the "love online" thread anymore, so I dragged this over here. I wouldn't generally start a new thread, but I felt it best in this case.

Sometimes, like ATrueFA and Moonvine I feel jaded and pessimistic. But feeling like that is about a sure-fire way to make it NOT happen. You don't have to be cheerful all the time, heaven knows I'm not...but no one wants to court a bitter, distrustful person. You could have met the person that is right for you already, and they could have turned away rather than get involved with someone gloomy.

I don't feel jaded or pessimistic at all. I can't speak for ATrueFA. When I say "men aren't attracted to me", it doesn't have any kind of emotion associated with it. To me that is like saying "I live in Texas" or "The sky is blue today" or "I love visiting Jamaica." Just a simple statement of fact.

I'm also not bitter, distrustful, or gloomy. In fact, I'm decidedly NON bitter. I would like my life to serve as an example to younger women who also may never have a mate. You really CAN do anything you want, and accomplish many goals, without a man in your life. I put my life on hold for far too long waiting to meet someone. Now I travel, buy houses, etc, by myself. And I enjoy the hell out of my life.:) We can't all have everything, and I value some of the gifts I have been given more than I would attractiveness to men, I think.

P.S. I don't believe there is such a thing as a "the person who is right for me" as I've stated many times. But if there really was a person who was right for me, and I were gloomy, clearly he'd actively be seeking someone gloomy, since he's right for me and all.:D

P.P.S: This is not to say that if someday I'm in PetSmart buying a pallet of cat litter and some hot 25 year old comes up to me and says he'd love to take me to Ruths' Chris that I'm going to be an idiot and turn him down. I just recognize that the chances of this actually happening are somewhere between slim and none.:D In the meantime, I'll schlep my own cat litter out to the car and be grateful for my wonderful, fabulous even without a man in it life.;)

P.P.P.S: I don't date anyone that lives further away than say, Dallas or Houston, and they'd better be a hell of something to get me to consider dating someone that far away.

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