Dr. Feelgood
intellectual nerd
A couple of nights ago this vegetarian found himself at a restaurant where almost everything on the menu featured meat. But they offered Caesar salad, and that's what I ordered. That's not what I got! The chef had decided that he could improve a Caesar salad by adding (1) mushrooms, (2) chopped egg, and (3) chopped tomatoes. The acidity of the tomatoes fought with the sweetness of the dressing, and their juiciness turned what would have been a crisp salad into a slimy mess. Ew, ew, ew!
What experiences have you had with people who attempted to improve on a classic dish? Did they actually make it better? Worse? Hard to tell?
What experiences have you had with people who attempted to improve on a classic dish? Did they actually make it better? Worse? Hard to tell?