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Documentary - King Korn

Dimensions Magazine

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In Rememberance
Sep 29, 2005

I saw this last night on our local PBS station. If you get chance to see it I highly recomend it.

Why is it relative to size acceptance?

A couple of points from the film:

The 20 something generation, now in their 20's, will probably be the first generation EVER to have their life expectancy lower than the generation before.

Corn and corn derivitives is in EVERYTHING we eat and drink.

Cattle can only be fed corn for 90 days maximum, longer than that they die.

Cattle are given antibiotics to combat the ulcers and sickness that a corn fed diet gives them.

Corn being put in everything we eat and drink coresponds exactly to americans getting fatter and fatter.

A hair test done on the 2 young men who did this documentary revealed they were made up of mostly - corn.

It was an eye opening film and one that has made me re-think eating meat, pork and poultry as they are all fed corn for quick weight gain.

Very interesting indeed.

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