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Dodged a bullet Friday night!

Dimensions Magazine

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Lions don't need to spank
Nov 8, 2005
Banned from facebook,
Mr. M2M and I had a wild night Friday. No, it's not what you're thinking. One of the Arkansas tornadoes came about 1000 feet from our house. We knew it was coming (TV alert). I got dressed and got in a closet with one dog. We put second dog in another closet. I heard the roaring start but Mr was not there? I started hollering honey ... "Get in here! Now!" (Several times) No answer. He was outside watching the storm come and listening to the roaring. Men!!!!

When he finally came into the closet he said, "I think it's going across the neighbor's pasture." All I wanted to know was is it gone? Has it caused any damage outside that you can see? It was dark & still stormy & the power went out. I had too much excitement in one night and fell asleep in my clothes on the bed. "Honey" stayed awake another hour or so listening to the weather radio (more alerts were forthcoming).

This morning we tried to go out and look at the neighborhood. but there was too many power lines and trees down to drive very far. So we just came back home. We were lucky in that there was no damage to our place, but some of the neighbors had property damage and other losses (farmers. etc.) We haven't had much chance to see very far. I don’t think anyone was physically harmed in our neighborhood, but I hate to see people’s homes ruined. Also, our area isn’t very densely populated, so there wasn’t many homes for it to hit. The whole weather mess is starting again tonight. More weather alerts are coming in just like last night. Springtime in Ark is just wonderful!

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