I am in an area where there is a thriving mexican food industry, however the dishes tend to be less authentic and more americanized.
In Kansas City I found a restaurant that included an item called Napolitos in its dishes. Napolitos are a Cactus which are sliced pickled and cooked in dishes in much the same way as you would use green pepper. They are tangy/bitter and wonderful in the right dish. I found Napolitos in Wal Mart on the shelf.
Who has recipes including this item in the dish?
Please post them.
In Kansas City I found a restaurant that included an item called Napolitos in its dishes. Napolitos are a Cactus which are sliced pickled and cooked in dishes in much the same way as you would use green pepper. They are tangy/bitter and wonderful in the right dish. I found Napolitos in Wal Mart on the shelf.
Who has recipes including this item in the dish?
Please post them.