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download a FREE song and help fight breast cancer!!!

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Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2009
A few nights ago I went to see Carbon Leaf and they were totally rad and stellar in every way imaginable.

The lead singer told us the story behind one of the songs on their new album. its called "Pink" and they wrote it for a young fan (23 years old!) who has breast cancer. Its a beautiful song and a very touching story.

But thats not all!

If you go here - FREE CARBON LEAF SONG! and follow the directions, you can download (FOR FREE) the song "Pink".

For every download, a $1 will be donated to the National Breast Cancer Foundation!

So go do it!! I know people are always aware of scams and whatnot on the internet, but I PROMISE you, if I hadn't heard all this straight from Carbon Leaf themselves, I wouldn't be posting this.
