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Dumb questions...

Dimensions Magazine

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Feb 20, 2006
Someone once said, "There are no dumb questions." That person, obviously, has never been on an internet forum. Come on guys... "Is being with a fat woman enjoyable?" You're a FAT ADMIRER... of course it's going to be enjoyable. I'm not trying to make anyone feel bad, but think twice about the questions you're going to ask before you do. That being said... I want everyone to post the dumbest question that they believe someone could possibly post on Dimensions. Here's mine:

"Are there really men who like fat women?" or "Can fat women only be with fat men?" or something of that nature.

I want to see some absurd questions, people... really obvious things. Amuse me, because I'm silly of people asking these sorts of questions SERIOUSLY... haha :)

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