After reading the thread about foods you wish were still around, I had some thoughts and memories about those years gone by. Some of my earliest memories that involved food are...
I'm in the back of the station wagon with my brothers and sisters, and were in the drive-thru at the local Burger Chef and my father is at the ordering speaker.
When they ask to take his order he yelled: "I'll have fifteen hamburgers."
After a long pause, the gal called back: "<i>Fifteen?! Did I hear you right?</i>"
Btw, I belonged to a large family. There was always lots of food around, but it was this gals' reaction that I remember most.
Another early food memory was the stuff my mother would prepare for my Dad that he liked, but none of us kids could stand. And we would have to eat it anyway. I can still remember the smell of liver and onions frying in the frying pan. Sometimes I get a craving for that smell. Not the liver itself,
, just the smell.
I'm in the back of the station wagon with my brothers and sisters, and were in the drive-thru at the local Burger Chef and my father is at the ordering speaker.
When they ask to take his order he yelled: "I'll have fifteen hamburgers."
After a long pause, the gal called back: "<i>Fifteen?! Did I hear you right?</i>"
Btw, I belonged to a large family. There was always lots of food around, but it was this gals' reaction that I remember most.
Another early food memory was the stuff my mother would prepare for my Dad that he liked, but none of us kids could stand. And we would have to eat it anyway. I can still remember the smell of liver and onions frying in the frying pan. Sometimes I get a craving for that smell. Not the liver itself,