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Eating Disorder related to preference/attraction?

Dimensions Magazine

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Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2007
I suppose the usual self-introduction applies here. Long-time lurker, only just worked up the courage to register and post...you know the drill. Either way, I promise I mean nothing bad by this. Honestly I'm just confused.

As I'm young (18), I realise my preferences are far from being set in stone, but I have every reason to believe that, at the moment at least, I have a strong attraction to larger people, and find myself turned on by my current partner's weight gain. Although I'm not ashamed of this attraction/preference, I'm aware that a possible behavioural symptom of some eating disorders is a desire to feed and/or experience weight gain from others. As I've been suffering from an eating disorder for quite a few years now, albeit not one that has caused me any serious health problems so far and/or taken over my life completely, I can't help but wonder if that's a possible reason for developing this preference. Honestly I find it very distressing to think that there might be a more sinister undertone to what seems a simple attraction. Could anyone please offer any words of wisdom or advice?

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