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Ectopic Pregnancy(graphic and gross)

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Well-Known Member
Jan 29, 2006
Ok. I finally feel ready to talk about this.

I'm posting this for all of you ssbbw's out there that are under the misconception that you cannot get pregnant due to your size.

Feb 19 I was admitted to the hospital. I was there for a solid 6 days (I was allowed to go home at 9pm the following Sat)

I don't even know where to start. I have dealt with so many emotions with this. Used to be I couldn't even think about it without crying, but I am getting better.

It all started in early Jan. I missed my first period, BUT being large, having PCOS and moving to a crazy country, I just figured it was ok and would sort itself out.


Then Feb came. I started spotting and then really started to wonder if I could be pregnant. Which confused me cos I hae been told by many Dr's that my size wouldn't allow such a thing. I did have lots of the signs tho. Sleepy all the time, crazy emotional, gained weight and more.

Mid Feb I got a severe cramp....like someone reached up and grabbed my ovary and stabbed it over and over with a dull spork. It hurt. Then....I bled....I bled very bad and heavy. I had to take pain killers to fall asleep. It felt like labor...the pains came in contractions. omg it was horrible. I thought I was having a miscarrage. That was on a Wedneday. It happened a couple of more times before I begged Mike to take me to the ER (boys aren't exactly the instinctive type sometimes!!!)

In the ER I was given a preg test which still came back positive. Mike turned white at the results. He didn't think/wanna believe I was pregnant. We honestly didn't think it was possible. It was then that I had to deal with the emotions. I had a baby inside of me and I knew the pregnancy wasn't going to last.

A week from the ER visit and a couple of more nights in labor like pain, I had an ultrasound. The ultrasound wasn't clear enough to show much, but they could see nothing in the womb, a lot of excess fluid in the abdomen and something on my right ovary. I was bleeding like crazy by this point.

It was then that they admitted me. The first day and a half in the hospital was miserable and I thought they were nuts. I felt completely healthy. But then by the end of the second day I was having labor pains again...and this time they didn't end. I had Dr's coming in and out explaining what could go wrong.

Basically an Ectopic Pregnancy is "Ectopic pregnancy, also known as a tubal pregnancy, occurs when the pregnancy implants outside of the womb. It can occur in several places, eg. the ovary, the abdomen, the cervix, at the join between the tube and the womb (cornua), but the most common place is within the fallopian tube. Pregnancy can even occur in both the womb and the tube at the same time (heterotopic pregnancy), but this is rare, occuring in only about 1/10,000 pregnancies." http://www.womens-health.co.uk/ectopic.asp

If my tube had burst or I showed signs of internal bleeding, I would have had to go into surgery. Typically, on a normal sized woman they can do the procedure laproscopically, but because of my size and shape, that was not an option. I was nearly staring death in the face and I was alone. Mike refused to face the fact that I could die. It's a man thing...or so the pamplet the Dr gave me said. I was so close that I gave my mom a just in case call which included alot of tears and sobs. I seriously thought I was going to die a million miles away from my family.

Luckily, they were able to give me a shot of methotrexate which seems to have worked. I was ward bound for the rest of my hospital stay. When they let me go home, I was not released from hospital. They actually just released me a week and a half ago. I had to report for weekly blood tests until my hormone levels dropped back to normal.

So, I am alive, but I am still spotting a little...which can happen for up to 6 weeks.

In short...just cos you weight over 500lbs, have PCOS and have been told by Dr's you cannot get pregnant...believe me, you can and it isn't pretty. My weight didn't cause this (for once) However, for my PCOS I take Provera for a few days each month...and a high level of hormones can cause it...so watch out.

If this post only helps one person...it is worth it. It is a scary and lonely thing to go through knowing you have a baby inside of you which is dying and you might die as well.

The Dr's think I was about 8 weeks along.:(

I'm slowly recovering and praying that it never happens again. Though I still have stabbing pains in my ovary sometimes.

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