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Edema/Ankle swelling

Dimensions Magazine

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donuts at the finish line
May 20, 2006
I hope this makes sense as a separate thread from the Lymphedema one, as swollen ankles and light edema are a different (but related, of course) issue.

I've complained about this before: particularly because I have a mostly office job, I've struggled with swollen ankles over the last year or so. It's mostly only in the summer/warmer weather, and is usually triggered by my traveling where I'm driving/flying/riding in a bus for long hours. After that I usually have recurring episodes by every evening: basically once it happens, its hard for me to reverse. Then I'll go days and be fine until my next long trip.

I'm getting ready for a not so fun ankle weekend as I came back from Atlanta fighting it this week, and am driving home this weekend. My ankles are already slightly swollen this AM, so that 's not a good start.

What do you do to help alleviate this? This is what I know to do:

I've finally taken the steps to eliminate sodium from my diet. I've been doing a lot of "I should do that" talking but no action, but I'm finally doing it. I'm already missing my best friend, the tortilla chip.

Move around as much as possible. Exercise is good, helpful, etc.

Some have recommended support hose. I have some follow up question on that. I want really light support, and I don't want to go through a doctor for it. Any recommendations for light support AND stylish stockings? Maybe ones that look like I'm trying to be hip? :D

How much water should one drink? Is it possible to drink too much?

Anyone else have any ideas on what you do to alleviate this? Stories to share?

(Also, please note that edema, like many things, can be the sign of a serious health condition, including but not limited to congestive heart failure, so step one is to the doctor's office! I've done this.)

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