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Elena's Self Experiment - by Cool Yin (SSBBW, Force Feeding, Stuffing, ~XWG)

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Cool Yin

Active Member
May 4, 2007
SSBBW, Force Feeding, Stuffing, ~XWG - A Mafia Don's rather stupid, greedy and lonely wife decides to double her weight to satisfy her hedonistic desires in the face of his inattention and lack of fidelity.

Elena's Self Experiment
Parts 9-11
by Cool Yin

[Author's Note:
Parts 1-8 are here. I plan to update this story from now on regularly again; I hope you will enjoy it.]

Part 9: Thursday, 6:00 AM - 7:20 AM
One week later Elena had reached her planned weight without any forced stuffing for the first time; a week after that, on the end of day 25, she was weighed again at midnight. She had a big and nice meal before the weighing and the scale showed 350.4 pounds, so she was 5 pounds ahead of her schedule today. It also meant that she had gained 80 pounds until now, 90 pounds if you calculate from the beginning of day one.

She had not moved or trained at all in that time and so she knew that all newly gained ~90 pounds were nothing but pure fat. It was a knowledge that made her proud.

She felt changes in her body - it became harder to stand up from bed, kneeling down was a pretty heavy task now, and her body felt softer overall. Both she and Nina found that Elena had created new fat on every part of her body. Her thighs especially had gained a lot of quivering, soft fat, and her cellulite had expanded into every direction enhanced by her total lack of movement. On day 1 it was only at the back at the top of her thighs but now it went nearly down to her knees on her backside, appeared on both sides of her legs and on the back it went up to the middle of her ass.

Her breasts also profited from Nina's feeding plan and expanded by yet another cup size. Her waist had expanded by 6 inches and her belly felt softer than ever. While laying flat on her back she clearly saw the difference towering up before her eyes. There were also more and bigger rolls of fat hanging down from her belly beneath her body now.

Thoughts of herself being immobile came to her mind, and she was aroused by these visions even though she didn't plan to go so far. Using the toilet, or more important going to the fridge, was something she wanted to be able to do whenever she wanted. Even if walking takes a long time I want to be able to do it, she thought to herself, when I am free from those handcuffs again, she added to that thought with a smile. But the day her handcuffs would be removed was still in the far future, even though the first big obstacle was passed. She fell asleep satisfied into sweet dreams.

These dreams ended at exactly 6:00 AM when Nina entered the room with a plate of food and woke up Elena, who was sweating into her sheets because of the high temperature in the room. In the last week Nina had slowly increased the room temperature from day to day. She said that the calories not used to keep the body temperature high weighed more than what Elena would lose on sweat. Nina was even worried that their nightly affairs - she had visited Elena 4 times so far and each time was great - would make Elena burn too many calories. Fortunately, Elena could convince her that she would save those calories because she was lying in her bed satisfied without moving an inch after such a night, instead of feeling unsatisfied and wriggling.

It was not only love and physical attraction that made Nina care for Elena the way she did, it was a feeling of being responsible for Elena's gaining and wellbeing. For these days it was Nina's plan to make Elena get ahead of her planned weight as far as possible to have a buffer if Elena should become ill or her body took a rest from the massive fat production. Like a farmer who was growing a world-record pumpkin, she wanted to make her girlfriend fat and reach her goal unharmed. She had even set up a daily schedule to maximize Elena's gaining:

6:00 AM - Waking up, first breakfast, 2 pills
8:00 AM - Second breakfast, then morning routine

11:00 AM - Brunch

1:00 PM - Lunch, 2 pills
2:30 PM - Second Lunch

4:30 PM - Coffee and Cake

6 PM - First Dinner
8:30 PM - Second Dinner, 2 pills

11:00 PM - Midnight Meal

0:00 AM - Weighing

Elena looked at Nina. Like every day, she is exactly on time again. She is so reliable, Elena thought. Since the day that Nina started to care about Elena's gain, every day started for Elena with a fat-dripping breakfast combined with an extreme sugar-rich shake and 2 pills that helped the body to produce fat. This breakfast was the first activity of Elena's day, even before doing her morning routine.

When Elena was responsible for her gaining herself, she was used to wake up around 10 AM and eat a massive breakfast at 11 AM, but Nina changed that. She said that the early breakfast was an important part of the weight gain plan. She said that Elena's late breakfasts let her body be out of food for too many hours during her sleep and thus it would start using its fat cells for energy support. To avoid times in which Elena's body would use its fat reserves, Elena was now getting 9 big meals every day plus a weight-gaining shake about every third hour, instead of nothing but three gargantuan meals.

Nina had explained to Elena that her few oversized meals wouldn't help her to gain weight quickly and a very early, very fat breakfast was absolutely needed to increase the gaining speed. The first times Elena pretended that she was still sleeping or she tried to send Nina out of her room because she wanted to keep sleeping. But when it came to feeding, Nina was always strict and even force-fed her when it was needed.

Today, Nina served 4 hot dogs, each one with a butter-soaked bun, a lot of delicious mayonnaise-based dressing, a thick frankfurter and slices of bacon. The shake was a 1l-Vanilla Milkshake from a nearby 24/7 fast food store into which Nina had poured extra sugar; as dessert Elena would eat a big slice of a chocolate cake from the same restaurant with some additional whipped cream.

So the 26th day of her massive weight gain plan had started and Elena was tired. Complaining about the big early breakfast was pointless as Nina would never tolerate any exception, and so she started munching. While she was fed with the first hot dog, her thoughts were wandering in her dizzy, tired mind.

It was a Thursday, but Elena didn't know the exact date or what kind of day it was. It didn't matter for her since every day was similar. She didn't even have a calendar on which she or someone else could cross out the spent days. She just didn't care about it. The only thing she knew was how many days of her experiment were gone, but she had no interest in calculating the weekday or the date. When she wasn't sleeping she spent a vast majority of the time with two things.

The first thing was eating. Eating as much as Elena ate took a lot of time. But having to eat every bite of those massive meals from the hands of a second person due to being tied the bedpost makes eating the most time-consuming activity of the day.

Her second big activity was sexual fantasies. Elena felt a raging lust to be dominated by and have sex with a man. All she did each day was to lay in bed eating, sleeping or daydreaming. Eating makes people tired and Elena ate a lot. So she was laying in her bed dizzy all day long while her body tried to digest the masses of food that were fed to her. In this dizzy state Elena was usually daydreaming, half awake and half asleep. And thinking about sex is the most common daydream of human beings, especially when they are well-fed and have an oversexed personality like Elena.

Nina knew about Elena's needs and she was a creative, sensual and interesting sex partner. It was a great experience and they didn't want their affair to end with Al's return, but that was further into the future than both were planning. She loved Nina like she had loved few other persons, and Nina felt the same.

Nevertheless, both knew that none of them wanted their lesbian romance to replace men in their lives. The bottom line was that Nina's nightly visits could only satisfy Elena's sexual urges to a certain degree.

Furthermore, her situation made it nearly impossible for her to masturbate. It may sound strange but it was a real problem for her. Because of the ties it was impossible for her to do it while lying in bed.
Of course, she was allowed to visit the bathroom alone when needed. There was a small button on the bedpost that she could reach with her right hand, and pushing it rang a bell so a maid would come to free her for a short time. But the maids would not let her visit the bathroom long enough to take a bath in the giant tub and she didn't like to masturbate under the shower because for such a fat woman even big shower cabins appear small. So she just had no good place to do it.

When she had given the detailed orders how to make her fat she didn't want to do anything except lay around being fed and that was still the case. But bathing and masturbating - as well as sleeping on her front side or scratching herself - were a few of the exceptions she had not considered before starting this experiment and now she was missing them. Pleading with the maids to make an exception and let her take a bath was pointless.

Except for Nina, each of them hoped that Elena would burst. Especially Anna, a thin young woman who worked for more than 3 years in the house; she couldn’t stand Elena because of events 6 month ago. Back then Elena knew that Anna had financial problems and desperately needed the money from the job. And since then she had treated her even worse than the other employees and degraded her in many different ways over the month. Pleading with the maids to let her take a bath would be waste of time.

She had no option than but to masturbate from time to time, when her hormones didn't leave her a way out, on the toilet or on the bathroom floor. But doing it there was also quite uncomfortable and just didn't feel good so the only relief her itchy, tingling pussy received was from Nina's visits at night.

So she was laying in her bed, tied up, horny like a soldier after 6 months on the front and unable to get any satisfaction, left only with her daydreams.

Daydreaming, sleeping and eating were what Elena spent her days with. This was what she always had dreamed about except for the simple lack of sex. By now she felt a desperate need to let her growing soft body be handled by a man with muscular arms, strong hands and a big hard cock.

She fantasized about Al coming home from his business earlier. He would find his wife tied in their common bed, fatter than ever. He would hear what had happened and get angry and horny at the same time and then he would use her the whole night long according to his wishes. She often remembered her nights with Al, how he first made her stuff herself to her limits and then mercilessly pleasured himself on her soft, overstuffed, tired body.

She fantasized about sadistic corrupt cops who were trying to capture her husband but only find his tied, naked wife and so they would rape her the whole night long. Many fantasies were about sex with TV, movie or music stars who adored her body and how one or more of these handsome, muscular men would satisfy her.
In other fantasies she was like a bottomless eating machine emptying whole bakeries, restaurants or food factories; in some the maids and bodyguards sold her as a test object for scientists who systematically fed her through a tube to make her the fattest human being ever; in some she was kidnapped by a dirty bunch of criminals who made her their slave whore for the rest of her life.

At 6:50 AM the last bite of the cake was swallowed by Elena and entered a gurgling, stuffed stomach. Elena had about one and a half hours until another maid would enter her room and feed her with breakfast number two. Then she would be allowed to do her morning routine but until then she would spend the time laying in bed half awake and half asleep, dreaming her kinky dreams not knowing that one of them would come true soon.


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