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Embodying the stereotypes--funny story

Dimensions Magazine

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is oddly aroused
Oct 3, 2005
It's been said before that stereotypes are based on some baseline truths.

Well, today, im an effort to meet more people, I went to one of those Tupperware-y sex toy parties. Only ours was more about snacking and mimosas/bloody Marys and passing the bong along than sex lotions and potions (though I did have to use the nipple cream in front of everyone). We even had 3 midsize BBWs.

So anyway, there I am with a room full of strangers, playing the 'pass the dong' game (2 headed---err....well, you pass it from between your knees to between the knees of the woman next to you. It's screamingly funny) when I feel it--my pants are ripping! MY PANTS ARE RIPPING! And man, they ripped in 2 places in loooong strips.

Now in truth, it wasn't so much directly fat related, but more b/c they were worn thin with 2 plus summers of chub rub in the thigh area. Plus I helped my friend move today, walking all over, etc., but still. I was going to walk part of the way home, and catch the subway and then the bus, but since everyone could've seen my OBVIOUSLY RIPPED PANTS, I walked a few blocks then grabbed a cab.

Now I have the munchies.

The end.


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