As you may or may not know, I temporarily had to close the F/F and F&G chat rooms. The reason was that I wanted for those rooms to be safe havens for special interest discussions. In recent weeks, however, the regular chat crowd from the main BBW/FA room migrated into those rooms and my request to respect the rules were not followed. Not a good solution for anyone, and not what I want.
So now the F/F and F&G rooms are open again. But those who wish to use them need to sign up. The signup form states the intended use of the rooms and people need to agree to follow those rules. Registered chatters who wish to have access to the special interest rooms can use this form. Those who want to chat but have not registered can do so on the main page of the Dimensions Chat and then use the special interest room form.
So now the F/F and F&G rooms are open again. But those who wish to use them need to sign up. The signup form states the intended use of the rooms and people need to agree to follow those rules. Registered chatters who wish to have access to the special interest rooms can use this form. Those who want to chat but have not registered can do so on the main page of the Dimensions Chat and then use the special interest room form.