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FA Hero Complex

Dimensions Magazine

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Large Marge sent me.
Oct 12, 2005
I’d like to share an observation that I thought others might like to weigh in on. I once read a theory in one of the threads in this forum. According to this theory, a lot of FAs intentionally look for partners with low self-esteem because they’re easier to control. I think there is some truth to this. I know that, as a younger FA, I did often intentionally date girls with low self esteem. I also know that it didn’t have anything to do with control.

I think some of us suffer from a sort of “FA Hero Complex”. When I was younger, I felt that, as an FA, it was my “job” to show women that there was more than one perception of beauty in the world, that sexy didn’t come in a specific dress size. As a result, I frequently dated girls who did not think they were attractive because they were overweight. I thought that if I showed them that I was attracted to them, it might help change how they felt about their bodies. My predilection for abundant beauties was not only a preference, but a quest; a noble size-acceptance quest of epic, society-changing proportions.

Of course, none of these relationships were particularly satisfying. If anything, I probably made things worse in some cases. I learned from these experiences that no one person can change how another person feels about his or herself. He or she must make that change, and while they can be helped, ultimately the journey to personal acceptance is one we must travel alone.

I don’t suffer from a FA Hero Complex anymore. Nowadays, I look for a girl who can appreciate her body as much as I do – and vice versa. After all, there’s nothing sexier than a confident fat girl.

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