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Fat admiration esoteric

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The Teflon Frog
Sep 30, 2005
I’m throwing out a lot of ideas here, no judgment intended, just a swirl of concepts about fat. I sometimes wonder why it is that we are fat admirers, admirers of people, men and women who are fat, either larger than ourselves or mutually fat. What do the fat people think of this? Things about fat on other people and how it feels, fat on ourselves and how we feel being fat. Thin people seeking to be fat, fat people wondering why. The wanting of more fat, the fear of too much fat. Enjoying being full of food and eating more. Feeling bloated and overly full. Growing fat but not eating much and wondering why, being angry about uncontrollable weight gain.

Words that are associated with being fat:
Large, obese, overweight, fleshy, zaftig, full, soft, thick, heavy, crushing.

Assumptions and, or realities for the condition of being fat:
Overeating, excessive calories, opulence, indulgence, gluttony, healthy, hearty, sedentary.

The anatomy of fat:
Mouth, lips, throat, stomach, intestines, cellulite, rolls of fat, pounds of flesh.

Is there a moral to fat admiration?
Benevolence, self serving, fostering growth, self destruction.

Is fat admiration gratuitous opulence?
Eating pounds of food. Feeding someone tremendous amounts. Thick, delicious, juicy meals, never ending. Creamy desserts sloshing with calories. Thick steaks and slabs of pork ribs full of fat and protein. Luscious pasta, heavy with carbohydrates. Melted cheese, dressing, ketchup, mayonnaise in lavish quantities. Fat cells bulging full to the point of becoming cellulite.

Is fat admiration nurture?
Lovingly feeding someone, feeling happy full and satisfied. Being hugged by someone soft and heavy, you sink into them, you feel safe and cared for in their soft, warm or cool flesh. A large person surrounding you, their mass, their presence, you feel absorbed by them. A fat person hugging a smaller person offering comfort, having the ability to lavish them with their fat. The tenderness of flesh. The manifestation of love as a physical quantity, pounds of love flowing over and around you.

Is fat admiration dominance?
Significantly outweighing someone, being able to physically control them. Greater physical strength, mass or size. Being able to break things. Being too large to fit into things.

Is fat admiration submission?
Being crushed by someone, having a fat person significantly outweigh you. Not being able to lift their weight, reach around them. Being physically at the mercy of their movements, their mass. Involuntarily accepting what they force upon you.

Is fat admiration a fetish?
Imagining unreal situations. Inflation, uncontrolled growth. Immense size.

Is fat admiration an addiction?
Uncontrolled eating, being addicted to food. A vicious cycle of eating more, gaining more, craving more.

Is fat admiration a fixation?
Expanses of fat spreading across chairs, couches, other things, weighing them down. Ripples of cellulite, wobbling flesh. Fat cells, fluid, food. Fat people having fuller, richer, lower voices. Focused tangibles.

Is fat admiration schadenfreude?
Finding pleasure in stuckage, the weaknesses of inability. Enjoying the sight of people laden with weight having difficulty moving or being immobile.

Is fat admiration body envy?
People who envy others that are bigger. People frustrated by their inability to gain weight. People who would like to be smaller, and envy those who don’t gain weight.

Fat admiration is all of these things, in whole or part depending on a person’s passions, desires, lusts or situation. Awe and trepidation, great ability, or inability. It’s human nature, or carnal existence, our bodies, physical surroundings and the forces acting upon us, and upon others.

What are your ideas or thoughts about fat?

What are your thoughts about these ideas? Do relate to any of them in particular?

Do you find any of these things exciting, disturbing, accurate, or inaccurate? What the hell is the purpose of this thread?

This may be too much for one thread, but then again what is too much? And isn't that why you are here?


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