Fat Admiration is a subject that has been getting greater news and TV coverage in recent years. As our visibility as a group increases, I figured that it might be interesting/useful, from the point of view of seeing whats being said and written about us, to create a thread relating to media articles and scientific studies on the subject.
Additionally, whilst researching a related topic for a sociology paper, I've been coming across several interesting papers relating to Fat Admiration. One in particular (Big Beautiful Women: The Body Size Preferences of Male Fat Admirers, Swami, Tovee, 2009) considers the range of body type preferences (FAs have a much broader aesthetic), which has led other researchers to question if so called 'normal' weight range preferences in Non- FAs (typically around +/- 30lbs) are more fetishistic in nature than FAs?
The Fat Admirer - Erich Goode
After following up on a few authors, I came across a book called 'Extreme Deviance'... Whilst initially a little irritated by the title, I'm glad I took a look through the chapter on Fat Admiration as it makes a whole lot of useful and interesting observations on FA behavior, different types of FA, the reasons why people remain closeted, the dynamics of FA guilt etc....
here's the link to the google book . The article is pages 80 to 89... The conclusion on page 89 is worth looking at alone, even if you don't fancy reading the whole article...
"Differently Straight" - BStu (Shapely Prose)
This is a pretty good account of the FA experience from a guy who used to post here a couple of years ago.
Additionally, whilst researching a related topic for a sociology paper, I've been coming across several interesting papers relating to Fat Admiration. One in particular (Big Beautiful Women: The Body Size Preferences of Male Fat Admirers, Swami, Tovee, 2009) considers the range of body type preferences (FAs have a much broader aesthetic), which has led other researchers to question if so called 'normal' weight range preferences in Non- FAs (typically around +/- 30lbs) are more fetishistic in nature than FAs?
The Fat Admirer - Erich Goode
After following up on a few authors, I came across a book called 'Extreme Deviance'... Whilst initially a little irritated by the title, I'm glad I took a look through the chapter on Fat Admiration as it makes a whole lot of useful and interesting observations on FA behavior, different types of FA, the reasons why people remain closeted, the dynamics of FA guilt etc....
here's the link to the google book . The article is pages 80 to 89... The conclusion on page 89 is worth looking at alone, even if you don't fancy reading the whole article...
"Differently Straight" - BStu (Shapely Prose)
This is a pretty good account of the FA experience from a guy who used to post here a couple of years ago.