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BBW Fat for Teacher

Dimensions Magazine

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Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2007
There was a request for a story with this plotline. I hope it is the correct one.

Fat for Teacher
by maltesefalcon

(reposted by request)​

Chapter 1

Principal Edwards called the staff meeting to order. “Before we start the official agenda, I would like to make a brief announcement. It’s been three weeks since school started; but we have a new member on staff who I’d like to officially welcome to the team. Katherine Collins will be taking over the Latin department, for now. Let’s give her a big hand!” Once the applause died down he added, “This is your first teaching job. It’s been a while since we had a “freshman”; so I will remind one and all that you will be expected to help bring her up to speed. So, Miss Collins, do you mind if we call you by your first name? We are a bit informal here. What do you prefer, Katherine, Kathy?”

Caught by surprise, the object of his attention held up her hand, to indicate she was still finishing a bit of the donut she had been eating. Her third, in fact. “Ip ish uh hmmm. If it’s all the same, I prefer Casey as in K.C., sir.”

Mr. Edwards smiled and added “Casey it is. And call me Sam. Just not in front of the students.”

The niceties dispensed with, the meeting continued. Alice Jarvis, the home economics teacher glared at the new staffer, rolling her eyes from time to time. This did not escape the notice of Mr. Edwards.

Near the end of the agenda, Casey reached for a fourth donut and Alice could stand it no more. “Better hurry dear, if you’re not careful, someone else might get one of those.” The embarrassed young woman blushed and stared down at her notebook, for the duration of the discussion. Upon conclusion of the meeting, Sam sidelined Alice. “Would you mind staying behind a moment? Some items need your attention.”

“As you wish, sir.”

Once the room had cleared “Sam” got right to the point. “Alice I couldn’t help but notice the disapproving looks you were shooting at Casey. She done something to you?”

Alice shrugged. “No sir. She just doesn’t seem to fit into the mould of a typical teaching professional. See how she dresses.

She’s a knockout, but all those tight clothes and short skirts... Face it Sam, she looks like a hooker. Acts selfish too, hogging all the food.”

Sam nodded. “Well you know she is only 21. Not much older than the senior class. As for the donuts, I would expect her food budget is a bit tight. Just out of school, loans to pay off etc. Not only that, she is only part time. However, from what I hear she is a very bright and conscientious teacher. It is up to us to help her adjust.”

Alice waited for him to keep talking. When nothing happened she figured it out. “By us you mean me, right? Great. I don’t have enough on my plate.”

Actually, corrected Sam, “I think I can help you. How’s the wrist?” She had broken it last winter in a fall in her driveway.

“Fine” she reported. “Pretty well healed.”

“Hmm”, Sam contradicted. “Don’t think so. You need to put your brace back on and I am sending you a helper.”

Alice gasped. “Oh sir. Please not her…”

Sam held up his finger to pause the conversation. He picked up a yearbook and showed her a picture. “This is me. My first teaching job, 1986.” Alice snickered at the pasty faced young man; who stared back at them. “I remember now. You were so terrified, I didn’t think you would last a week.”

Sam nodded. “See? Now I’m the principal. But I wouldn’t laugh too hard, if I were you.” He picked out another. “Here’s a gem from 1973.” It was Alice’s portrait.

She gasped. “My word, has it been 35 years?”

“Yes” he said. “Notice anything different?”

“Well I’m a bit grayer, and I’ve got a few more wrinkles. So do you sunshine, so watch what you say.”

“What else?” he probed. Then she got the message.

She patted her prominent pot belly. “You’re talking about this. If this is your way of telling me I’m fat you’d better choose your next words carefully. Had three boys and besides I’m a Home Ec teacher. Kind of goes with the territory. So…?”

“Relax I’m not saying you are fat, just that there is a danger that might happen to…someone else. You might say that anyone who works there would be so inclined.” Sam added, “Alice I’m not blind. I know that anyone that voluptuous will attract the wrong kind of male attention. So if we put Casey in there to help you maybe…”

Alice balked, adding “If you are asking me to fat..”

“Stop right there. No one is asking you to do anything, to her at least. That would be unscrupulous. Just provide an opportunity to take her attitude down a peg or two. I’m asking you to keep an open mind and allow her to grow… professionally.”

Now Alice grinned slyly. “For you, I’ll give it a try. Want me to talk to her?”

Sam said. “No I will. Best if she thinks it’s her idea. That’s all for now. Oh and by the way. This conversation never took place.”

As she moved out the door Alice whispered “What conversation?”

“That’s the spirit.” Sam buzzed his secretary. “Winnie could you page Miss Collins to my office?”

Half hour later Casey appeared.

“Sorry sir. I was in a class. Don’t get too many, but no one said it was urgent.”

“Relax” said Sam. “It’s fine. How are things going for you?”

“Oh it’s great sir. I love teaching, and the staff and kids are great…”

Sam anticipated “But…”

She continued “But I’m not getting enough hours to survive, on what I make. Got a job offer, in the library downtown. Lot less per hour, but it’s full time. I need to be honest sir, I’m tempted…”

“First, can the sir stuff. I know it’s hard, but Latin just is not popular anymore. Pre-med and archaeology is all its good for now. I have something else for you, though. It’s a bit of a favour actually.”

“Oh how’s that?”

“Well, Alice Jarvis has been our Home Economics and Family Studies department head, for years. She’s nearly retirement age and frankly, she’s slowing down a bit. Broke her wrist last year too. She’s great with the programs, but the effort is becoming too much for one person. Long story short, I wonder if you would be interested in being her…teaching assistant. It would give you more hours. Full-time in fact. I think we can stretch the budget a bit.”

Casey frowned. “Well thanks, but I don’t know the first thing about being a Home Ec teacher.”

Sam assured her “Oh you don’t need to. Just help her with the physical stuff. She will show you what to do.”

“One more thing. You can get a few free meals there too. In fact, the job will require you to sample some of the student’s projects. That should ease the budget a bit.”

Casey paused, agreeing, “ I’ll give it a try. When do I start?”

Smiling he added “Go see her in the morning. But don’t let on we are doing it to help her. She might feel threatened. Make out like it’s for your benefit.”

“Mum’s the word sir.”

As Casey left, Sam rolled back in his chair and very pleased with himself, muttered “Well now to let nature take its course.”
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