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Fat in a Lilliputian world

Dimensions Magazine

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Sep 30, 2005
Do you ever have epiphany moments where you realize just how outsize you are compared to the rest of the world? I don't mean the everyday experiences of coping with armless chairs and such, but more a sudden revelation of how big you actually appear to those around you?

Although I'm always aware of my fat, much of the time I seem to forget just how much larger I am than an average person, and I think hanging around Dim exacerbates that. Then suddenly something will make me realize just how different I am and how I must appear to strangers. Might be seeing a photo of myself next to a "normal" size friend, or looking closely at "normal people" clothes and realizing my thigh might not even fit in a shirt a thin person would wear around their torso.

Tonight it was a picture of me sitting in a kitchen chair, shot from the back. It was a photo I took about a month ago and never got around to uploading until today. My butt hangs over a good 6-8 inches on either side of the seat and the padding on my rump makes me sit so high that my waist shows above the back of the chair. I never knew I looked that...substantial. That wide. It actually makes me wonder why people don't stare at me in public more. I would stare simply because it's vastly different from the norm. I just find it strange how off my perceptions of my size can be until something like this gives me a clue.

What catches up you short and makes you realize just how large you are compared to others?

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