I was listening to talk radio on Tuesday and I was very irritated about what I was hearing. I wasn't surprised but I find it really disturbing that people have nothing better to do than worry about what I weigh. The hosts were discussing and relating the "fattest people" they have ever seen and where they saw them. They wanted to know how it is possible to get over 250-300 pounds and not be able to control yourself. They made a big joke out of it. I took offense to that. The callers they had were all in agreement, that being fat is "disgusting". They even made fun of people in carts with mobility issues, like at the grocery stores, saying if they want certain foods, they will "get off their fat asses and out of the cart real quick" . I was sick to be a part of the human race at that point. One woman called in who was overweight and she agreed with them, saying "fat women need to cover up they look like pigs" when referring to certain styles. It just solidified my feelings that nothing has changed regarding big people.