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Favourite Designers?

Dimensions Magazine

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Dimensions' loiterer
Sep 29, 2005
The great white north, eh?
This was inspired by the favorite dresses from movies thread. Now, I'm a guy so I don't normally pay that much attention to dresses, cause, you know, I'm admiring their eyes--yah, that's it!

But a few years ago we were watching figure skating (Jes: just shut up *L*) when I was blown away by the dress that Michelle Kwan was wearing. My wife explained that it was made by Vera Wang (I think? I may have the name garbled), a famous designer. For the first time I got some inkling of why some women pay huge money to top designers, it was just so clearly "better" in some way that I could not define.

So I'm wondering, are there particular designers that you adore, and would love to have make a dress for you? If so who, and what do you like about their work? (I'm talking haute couteur designers who show collections, so no matter how awesome Bea's dresses are you don't get to name her--sorry! but I'll take it as a given that most would love to get a dress from her)

In case anyone cares why I'm asking, I'm finally coming to realize just how freaking much women say with their clothes, and I learn more when you all talk about these things that I would from any instructional article. Plus you (collectively) are usually more amusing.


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