My wife and I are in a living situation that is tearing us apart. She confessed that we haven't had "one" good day in a very long time. The kids, including myself get on her last nerve. I apologize and try to mend any of my wrong-doings. I believe that she is "burned-out" from the living situation. There's so much to be unhappy about anyhow. I am trying to improve my sleep schedule so that i contribute more time with the boys. It was very selfish for me to stay up so very late which I had done in the past. I enjoy doing things with the boys and see them as not the mst awful kids in the world. My wife is really having it rough and has also seemed to have slumped into depression. I don't know how to act to remedy what all is going wrong. What I am doing right now just doesn't seem good enough? She talks so much "negativity" of everything that is happening. I tried to comfort her and she just did so much talking about things going wrong that I think I may also be "slumping" into some depression. I just want to know of any good first steps to helping all of us out with things day to day. I walked away from her when she was "venting" and talking so much negativity...but I am a good listener and I just don't have the nerve sometimes to stay put. She may say that I do this far too often. And that is probably true. I am feeling really hurt right now so I just wanted to write this out since I cannot sleep at the moment.