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FG Chronicles: Brenda and Peggy - by Fat Peggy (SSBBW, Eating, Lesbian Foreplay ~XWG)

Dimensions Magazine

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Britt Reid

Library Editor
Oct 28, 2009
SSBBW, Eating, Lesbian Foreplay ~XWG - two friends share life from a larger, much larger, perspective

Fat Girl Chronicles: Brenda and Peggy
by Fat Peggy

Chapter 1 – the two fatties meet

Brenda was an 18 year old high school Senior; she was also the class fat girl. Every class seems to have one. Some thin people, some normal size people, some chubby people, and one who was huge. In her school Brenda was that girl.

As class fat girl she was teased at laughed at all the time, which she found hard to take. All it did was just make her eat even more. She snacked constantly, even during class. She finally got so fat she couldn’t squeeze into the desks at school anymore. They had to get a special table and chair, right in the front of the room, just for the "fat girl." She would come in and find signs on the table, “Fat Girl Sits Here,” pictures of blimps and whales. things like that. It was mortifying, but it just made her eat more and more.

About two months into her Senior year Brenda heard that a new Senior student had just enrolled. Her name was Peggy.

“Oh great,” thought Brenda, “Another cute little skinny girl to make fun of me.”
But when she made it to her first period class the next day, Peggy turned out to be even fatter than Brenda.

“I obviously do not fit in those tiny little desks you have for the skinny kids. I asked to have a table and chair so I would be able to sit,.” Peggy announced to her first period teacher, Mr. Collings.

“We already have that for Brenda. You will be sitting next to her. We had a second chair put at her table for you. You can see it right over there,” replied Mr. Collings.

“Oh good. I’m glad to see you know how to treat larger size people the right way.” Peggy said with a smile.

“Hi, Brenda. I think we’re going to be great friends. I’m used to being the fat girl in class. I think I still am,” Peggy giggled.

The rest of the kids couldn’t believe it. Here was this girl who was even fatter than Brenda, and she had a personality. She spoke up and even talked about how fat she was. This is a change from Brenda.

Peggy and Brenda certainly did become great friends. They went everywhere together. Peggy was kind of protective of Brenda, since Brenda wasn’t very good at speaking up for herself. And Peggy had the kind of personality where people didn’t make fun of her.

One day, the “Fat Girls Sit Here” note showed up. Instead of getting mad or embarrassed, Peggy taped it up, and made a big point of it. “Hey, Brenda, they seem to have noticed that we sit here and we are fat. Who says skinny people are dumb? We are the fat girls, and this is where we sit. They are so clever, aren’t they?”

Peggy started laughing, and even Brenda managed a smile.

They became inseparable. They did their homework together, studied for tests together, ate together. And boy did they eat together. Brenda stopped her nervous constant snacking, but her portions at meals grew enormously. Brenda found out that Peggy, who was also over age eighteen, lived by herself because her parents were overseas working. Peggy always had a lot of food around when they did their homework or studied for tests. Brenda's mom also traveled a lot so most of the time she, too, was home alone with food as her primary companion. She understood Peggy's situaton.

“It’s so nice to have another fat girl to hang out with, Brenda. I’ve always had friends, but none of them were anywhere near as fat as me. At least we are in the same ballpark, even if you are a little skinny”, Peggy laughed, and patted Brenda’s substantial tummy.

“I feel the same, Peggy, except that I never had a lot of friends. In fact, I’ve hardly had any real friends. You’ve given me a lot of confidence, you know. Even though I’m very fat, and getting fatter, thanks to you, I’m still a good person.”

“You are a very good person, no matter how fat you are. Fat is not a bad word, it’s just an adjective. I think you need a hug, honey.”

Peggy gave Brenda a big hug, which Peggy actually enjoyed more than Brenda, even though Brenda didn’t realize it (or why) at the time. They just kept spending more and more time together, studying, relaxing, and getting fatter. Peggy was delighted with how fat Brenda was getting. She enjoyed their hugs more and more as they got bigger.

“We have to do very well on this test, Brenda. Let’s show those skinny girls that the fat girls are better than they are. And who are the fat girls?”

“We’re the fat girls”, Brenda said. “I’m tired of being ashamed of being fat. I’m a good person and also, not in spite of it.”

“You got it, sister. Fat girls rule.”

The spent the entire spring vacation together. Peggy kept lots and lots of food around, and Brenda just ate and ate.

“Hey Brenda, I haven’t weighed myself in a long time. Can you help? I’m too fat to see the dial anymore.”

“Wow, Peggy, you really are fat, aren’t you?”, laughed Brenda, and slapped Peggy’s fat ass playfully.

“Fat girls don’t weigh themselves fully dressed," said Peggy, and stripped down to bra and panties. She looked so much fatter like this, and Brenda was amazed.

Peggy got on the scale. “323. Wow. Getting fat, girl. Now you, hun.”

“Me? Well, I guess it’s only fair.” Brenda agreed.

Brenda stripped down to bra and panties and got on the scale.

“Oh my, Brenda. It’s off scale. You’re over 350,” Peggy announced.

“I’m over 350? I’m fatter than you? How did that happen?” Brenda said with concern.

“We eat so much, honey. Don’t be upset, we’re the fat girls, remember?” Peggy replied.

“Well yeah, but I didn’t realize I was this fat,” Brenda said.

“Congratulations, girlfriend. I’m so proud of you,” Peggy exclaimed.

Brenda was a little uneasy, but Peggy’s attitude rubbed off on her once again.

“OK, Peggy, here’s to the fat girls,” Brenda said, raising her arm as if she was making a toast.

“You got it, sister,” Peggy replied and, grabbingd Brenda's belly, gave it a shake. “That’s one awesome belly you’re getting there.”

“And that’s one awesome ass you’re getting there,” answered Brenda and they both burst out laughing.

Finally it was the end of the year, and they studied hard for the final exams. They were together constantly. They would sit on the couch, and Brenda felt Peggy was sitting a little closer than she had to, but, of course, there wasn’t a lot of extra room with the twp of them sitting there. They had both gained a lot of weight the past year, and they were both very fat to begin with.

But still, Brenda noticed that Peggy was touching her a lot lately. She would touch her arm or her leg when she made a point, or put her hand on her shoulder a lot. They always hugged when they got together or separated. Their hugs seemed to be getting longer lately.

"Peggy's just that kind of person," Brenda told herself. She didn’t mind, but she noticed that it seemed to be happening more and more lately.

Finally, exams were over. They both aced them. Brenda was really pretty smart, and so was Peggy. Their hard work paid off. Peggy gave Brenda a big long hug when they got their grades, and whispered in her ear what a great, special person she was. It was very obvious there was a great deal of fat between them, with Brenda’s huge belly and Peggy’s huge breasts and ass. It felt pretty good, actually, Brenda had to admit.

They decided they would go out and celebrate. Off to the Chinese buffet they went.

Being so fat, they looked a little older than they were, so they were able to bring some beer with them. Brenda had never had any alcohol before, but Peggy had. Not very often, but it wasn’t her first time. They ate, they laughed, they drank beer, they celebrated. Brenda didn’t want to have too much, so she had two beers while Peggy had four.

“I think maybe you better drive, Brenda. I’m feeling a little drunk”, she laughed.

“You do seem a bit wild today. Even more than usual,” Brenda agreed.

Brenda had to go over to unlock Peggy’s door. As she did, Peggy gave her a hug, and really pressed herself into Brenda.

“Mmmm, that feels good, honey. I am so drunk.”, she laughed. She then gave Brenda a little kiss.

“I have been wanting to do that for a while”, she laughed. “Let’s get back to my place.”

Brenda was a little confused while driving back.

Once they were at Peggy's place she said, “Now that we don’t have to drive anymore, we can have some more beer.”

She got another 6 pack out of the fridge, took out two, opened then, and handed one to Brenda. “We did great, honey. Let’s go relax and watch a movie. I can’t believe it’s all over and we have the whole summer ahead of us.’

“Oh yeah, we worked so hard this year. I don’t know if I could have done it without you. We’ve become so close. The other kids always made fun of me for being so fat. I never really had much of a friend before.” Brenda recalled.

“I would never make fun of anyone for being fat. I kind of like fat people,” Peggy stated.

“Yeah, I’ve noticed”, Brenda giggled. “What kind of movie do you have?”

“Actually, I have three. Let’s go in and watch. Ready for another beer?”

“Yeah, I guess so. I have never drank before. I’m starting to get a little drunk”, she laughed. “I hope you don’t take advantage of me!”

“Who, little old me? Would I do a think like this? Or this? Or this?” Peggy patted Brenda's tummy, rubbed her sides, and then cupped her breast. “I’m feeling so bad today. Let’s go in.”

Brenda was really wondering now, but this was Peggy, her best friend. Her only friend, really. She figured it was just the alcohol.

Soon they were sitting on the couch together, squashed into each other.

“Look at us, we’re so fat now we take up the whole couch.” Peggy exclaimed.

“Yeah, I’ve gained so much weight the past year. I feel like a fat blimp.”

“It looks good on you, honey.” Peggy laughed as she patted Brenda’s huge belly, and even fondled it a little. “Feels pretty good, too,”

“Oh, you’re so bad. Hey, I’m ready for another beer. How about you?” Brenda replied.

“I could use one, you know where they are.” said Peggy, who desite her bulkj was feelig a little light-headed.

Brenda went off to get 2 more beers. When she got back, she was a little unsteady on her feet, and fell into Peggy a little.

“You feel so good, Brenda.” Peggy wrapped her arms around Brenda and gave her a kiss. At first, Brenda didn’t respond, but then returned the kiss a little.

“That was just friends, right?”

“Of course, just 2 fat girls, no, very fat girls, who are very good friends.”

“Good, cause I’m starting to wonder about you”, Brenda laughed.

“Wonder about me? Cause sometimes I do this, or this, or this? I’m just fooling around with you, you know.”

Brenda felt a little uncomfortable, but thought Peggy was just joking. “Ok, let’s get back to the movie.”

“Another beer?”

Back with 2 more beers, they watched the movie, their size causing them to snuggle up together.

“That was a great movie. I feel so good today. All the pressure of the exams over, sitting here with my best friend in the world, and getting drunk for the first time. I feel like a big fat lazy pig. Life is good,” Brenda giggled.

“Well, it’s getting late, and we’re out of beer. How about if I walk you home? Good thing you just live 2 blocks away.” Peggy offered.

“Good idea. I’m so drunk I might get lost”, she laughed.

Brenda rocked back and forth to get up, but it wasn’t happening. “Oh my, I’m so fat and drunk I can’t even get up. Help me up please?”

“Of course, honey.” Peggy answered.

Peggy got in front of Brenda, gave her a hand, and instead fell all over her.

‘Oh my, look at us. What a pair of drunken fat girls we are,” she exclaimed and they both started laughing.

“Here, let’s try that again.” Peggy’s hands were all over Brenda as she got up. This time, Peggy was able to hoist Brenda up, and she fell into Peggy’s arms. The hug really lingered this time. She whispered into her ear, “This was such a great day. We got even closer, I think,”

“Yes we did.” This time, Brenda didn’t mind the long hug at all. She kind of liked it, which got her very confused.

“What’s happening to me?”, she thought.

They walked to Brenda’s house, talking about what they would do tomorrow.

“I have an idea, how about if we go to the beach? It’s supposed to be a hot sunny day.”

“The beach? I can’t remember the last time I went to the beach. I don’t even have a bathing suit. I doubt if they even make a suit big enough for me.”

“Oh, they make some very large sizes. I have a suit, and if I can get one that fits, so can you.”

“Well, that’s true. But I’m even fatter than you now, honey.” Brenda rubbed her huge belly and laughed.

“But not by much. I’m sure we can get you a suit. And we’re the fat girls. We should show off these bodies of ours”, and they both laughed.

When they got to Brenda’s house, they hugged goodbye. This time, Brenda pushed into Peggy and gave her a kiss.

“Down girl”, Peggy laughed. “We’re in public. Til tomorrow?”

“Can’t wait.”

Brenda went inside, still feeling confused, but liking the feeling.

“I always liked hanging out with Peggy, but now I’m getting excited at the idea of touching her huge fat body. And I let her kiss me, and I kissed back. This is very confusing, but I kind of like it. I think tomorrow at the beach is going to be very interesting. Hmm, I wonder what there is to eat.”

Brenda prepared a huge meal, sat in front of the TV, and ate and ate. She ate so much these days that she didn’t even get full with all she was eating.

“Tomorrow I go with Peggy to buy a bathing suit. I must have gained 200 pounds since I’ve worn a bathing suit. At least I’ll have Peggy with me. The two fat girls at the beach. There will be a lot of fat and skin on display tomorrow”, she laughed. This made her feel all warm and rosy, and it felt good.

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