Proud FA Since 1962
Here in Colorado, we have the Testicle Festival, a weekend celebration of Rocky MOuntain Oysters:
Here's their official web site:
Also every September, there's a Chile & Frijole Festival in Pueblo, CO. All sorts of Hispanic foods are featured. One of the features of the weekend is the Jalapeno Eating Contest. A few years ago, the winner downed 65 of them, and ended up in the hospital.
WHat food festivals do they have in YOUR neck of the woods???

Here's their official web site:
Also every September, there's a Chile & Frijole Festival in Pueblo, CO. All sorts of Hispanic foods are featured. One of the features of the weekend is the Jalapeno Eating Contest. A few years ago, the winner downed 65 of them, and ended up in the hospital.
WHat food festivals do they have in YOUR neck of the woods???